Confirmed - New Orleans To Become Gotham City

It was rumored that New Orleans could pass off as Gotham City for Christopher Nolan’s follow-up sequel to The Dark Knight. Apparently, it’s been confirmed.

CinemaBlend reports:

We reported back in August that Warner Bros. was considering shifting the majority of principal photograph on Batman 3 to New Orleans, abandoning Chicago after filming the majority of the first two films there. Now Superhero Hype has confirmed the rumor, adding that shooting is set to begin down South starting in April.

Like I said before, I have no problem with this. As long as Nolan keeps the vibe Chicago so wonderfully gave us as Gotham, it’ll be fine. This is great news for New Orleans.

What do you guys think? New Orleans as Gotham? Do you think we’ll notice the differences big time?

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