Concept Art for Live Action Voltron Online

Some aweome concept for the proposed live action Voltron film have hit the net and they kinda look awesome. The pictures show us the expected scale and detail we can expect, and it looks like Godzilla scale city smashing monster enemies are on the menu.

Click on the images to enbiggenate them.

I am all for a live action Voltron flick, and they will always be held against the Transformers measuring stick for being an 80s cartoon about giant robots, but this style looks like its mimicing the transition from toon to screen that the Transformers took. Might be unavoidable, but I was hoping for something different.

Hopefully the concept art no only means its closer to actually happening, but I hope its a step towards a different look than Transformers.


  • Kaneda979

    Looks kind of cool, but feels very silly at the same time.

    Why does it have to be so movie Transformer-ish? Are the same people who designed the movie Transformers doing these or is it just someone else who has little to no new ideas in their head? Or is it Hollywood who’s too scared to go a different direction?

    Like how the Voltron face still seems to come out of the main lions mouth when in humanoid robot form, they also kept the wings, which is nice. The Star symbol is still sort of there and a few other things, all great to see. But really just little/few details speckled in this mess of alien lookin twisted metal.

    I mean if they’re going for an alien look, then why even make them look like giant robot earth cats? doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Why can’t they have more of the classic look in them? And that cat in the 2nd pic is WAY too skinny looking to be the yellow lion.

    Finally, they’re making it look as if the story will take place on earth. WHY?! I so hope this is just in the concept art to give people a more familiar sense of scale and nothing more. I sadly doubt that though.

    Hopefully these are nothing more then VERY early on concept art pieces and things will be greatly changed before the film does get made.

  • DavidMX

    Im confused, because here in Mexico we watch the “other” Voltrón series, the one with the conehead that was made with cars and aircrafts, but i don´t know if they are connected somehow or is just another universe like the Power Rangers.

    Anyway, this looks cool, but… WHY IN NEW YORK ? !!!!! (this should be in the SPACE)

    • middleman

      The series are related. There was even a third with three gladiator robots who combine to make Voltron, but the series got cancelled before they appeared.

      • Kaneda979

        Damn, you got me VERY curious about that whole “gladiator” Voltron thing, had no idea. Too bad it got cut.

        But ya, I remember the vehicle Voltron very fondly. I wanted the toy SO bad as a kid. Had a small version of it at one point, but really wanted the big, full size one.

        Mom mostly bought me lots of G.I. Joe stuff at the time instead.

  • Roman

    I just want to hear someone say send in the Robeast that will make me a happy panda.


    These pics looks great, but are we sure it’s not just fan art? I thought the Voltron movie was scrapped (don’t get me wrong. I’d LOVE for there to be a movie).

    I kinda like the looks of the lions in these pics. More futuristic. I do agree that it’d be nice to have some variety in the lion shapes and body armour, though. And spruce them up with some vivid colours! This just looks REALLY dark to me (maybe they’re going emo?). LOL

  • matty

    Voltron woooooooo!

    In saying that …. it would be nice if they made the designs a little more cleaner and colourful. I understand they are trying to go for something more realistic, but why is realism so important in a movie about giant robotic lions?

    And why haven’t they called me to play the role of Lance yet?

  • MadRocketScientist

    I could see the red & green lions being built all sleek and edgy, they were always the fast, mobile platforms. But the other three lions should be a lot more boxy, more tank like, with heavy armor.

  • 420BAND

    Very Transformer-ish!

    I’d love to see it more boxy, or rectangular shaped like in the old cartoons.. That shit would rock, this just looks like the Fallen.