Bradley Cooper To Play The Flash?

Now that Ryan Reynolds is knee deep on both Green Lantern and Deadpool franchises, who might get cast as The Flash? With an almost finished script, apparently WB might already be have their guy.

CinemaBlend reports:

Moviehole says Cooper is the current odds on favorite to play the legendary, red-suited speedster. Bradley was actually also up for the part of Green Lantern at one point, and if Ryan Reynolds hadn’t taken the job, he would probably have been WB’s next choice. That means they like him and since Warners is now putting together The Flash (in fact the script is almost ready) it makes sense that they’d want to find another way to use one of Hollywood’s hottest, rising talents. It doesn’t hurt that, he’s actually kind of perfect for the part too.

I have no problem with Cooper becoming The Flash. He’s a pretty good commodity now days, and for what we’ve seen, a decent actor. From all the guys out there, I think Cooper would lend a pretty good performance. I’m good, if this deal get’s done.

  • theflash

    ryan gosling should play the flash, he’s got the look, the build, a good actor, he’s young and has shown that he can be funny. ryan gosling all the way for barry allen.

  • 420BAND

    I dont see Doogie Houser as the Flash, Sorry.

    I know he’s funny, witty, and totally awesome and even voices the cartoons, BUT Really Flash?

    Cant see it.

    Cooper is a safe choice

    • Anti-Septic

      I agree, Cooper is charming and witty at the same time. Having a Flash that is all “annoying” that being (NPH) would be bad in my opinion. Every super hero has a serious side even the Flash.

      Besides, that is what most people have always hated about Ryan Reynolds in that his characters always acted like douches in the past. Ryan has shown that he can be a serious actor when needed, and still turn on the annoying when needed as well. Bradley Cooper will bring that same thing to the Flash.

      I think its a great choice.

      • 420BAND

        I’m finally sold on this Cooper guy as an actor, and not just a pretty-boy. something I really cant say yet about Mr. Black Widow.

        really, I think Cooper has more chops and will bring justice to a Flash picture.

        Lets get Rolling! (This is the DC movie I’ve been waiting for)

  • Ryan

    The studios are just being contrarian if they go with anyone other than NPH. People have been wanting to see NPH in this role for years now, NPH is a freaking EMMY winning star, just get it done.

    Also, while Bradley Cooper is less annoying than Ryan Reynolds, he’s still pretty freaking annoying IMHO.

  • JimmyBoots

    NPH actually played the Flash in the Justice League: New Frontier animated movie, that’s where I got the idea. Another possible choice would be Michael Rosenbaum since he played Wally West in Justice League amd JLU.

  • Roman

    Bradley Makes a better Barry Flash then Wally flash.