BioShock Movie Still Happening

We’ve all been waiting for some time now, for a confirmation on a big screen adaptation to the world of BioShock - one of the most successful and best reviewed video games ever.

IGN reports:

Producer Nils Peyron told AICN not to write-off a Gore Verbinski BioShock movie just yet. The article says: “Gore still has the passion for it and sees enormous potential in the Bioshock world as a film franchise.” But will he direct the film?

Word ’round the campfire is that 28 Weeks Later director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo is still attached to direct, but AICN got the vibe that maybe, just maybe, Verbinski would direct the movie himself should everything come together to his liking.

I’ve played both BioShock games, and they’ve been awesome. The world of Rapture is a spectacle on all fronts. The world is gorgeous, the story is insanely good, and the gameplay is great. Making a movie about this game is a no brainer. Hey, if they are making Resident Evil 12 by now, why couldn’t they make one of BioShock? They should definitely start moving on doing Mass Effect and BioShock into possible franchises for the big screen. As for Verbinski directing it, I’m in the middle here. I’m not a hardcore follower of his movies, nor I’m a hater. If he ends up doing it, I believe he would be true to the video game’s vibe and look. Now, do you guys think they would include killing a child in the movie?

Do you guys want a BioShock movie? Would you like Verbinski directing it? What would you like to see in the adaptation?

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