Berlanti talks Green Lantern Script

Green Lantern Screenwriter Greg Berlanti was talking about the film and discusses what he thinks makes it stand out from other Hero flicks of late.

Live for Films quotes Berlanti:

“It definitely has slightly lighter elements, but the thing that gives it its gravitas and its weight that no other superhero film really has—maybe except for all the way back to Donner’s Superman—is the space opera element and how much of it takes place in space. That’s something I don’t think people are expecting or have seen in a movie like this before.”

I don’t know that “takes place in space” is going to illustrate the weight of the film, but I appreciate his enthusiasm for this.

Effects will be great, Blake Lively will be hot, Killowog will get a fanboy squee, but what is really going to sell this film is Ryan Reynolds parking the snark. They dont want it to be light and want a more serious film, but they say it has its “light” moments which is good too.

I love Reynolds and we have seen that he can put aside his trademark wit when the time comes, but more than ever, this film needs a lot less of it. Hal is a daredevil and he is cocky, but he isn’t really a smartass.

I am all for Reynolds in the role, but you can have this film in Jack Nicolson’s anus and it wont give it any “gravitas and weight” if the leading man doesn’t nail that role.

  • middleman

    I come to Movie Blog for my steady diet of geekdom, but I stay for comments about Jack Nicholson’s anus.

    And you have my permission to use my quote on your promotional materials… ;-)

  • Mike

    It would be nice if the costume actually looked as decent as the pick you posted.

  • 420BAND

    Comedy is harder than Drama (IMO), all he has to do is snarl a bit more and use a straight face and keep the zingers at bay and he’ll pull it off.