Batman 3 Villain Could Be Killer Croc?

So, with the confirmed news that Christopher Nolan and company will be shooting some stuff in New Orleans, the online community has started rumors about who they think the villain will be. Now, we can also add this bit to the rumor fire: Mark Miller tweeting about how he knows who the villain(s) are in Batman 3.

CinemaBlend reports:

A few days ago, comics writer Mark Millar tweeted, “Oh, wait. Con gossip: I know who the villain(s) are in Batman 3 and the big scene outside Gotham sounds awesome. Totally timely locale.”

Obviously he didn’t just come out and say it, but can you think of another prominent Batman villain that would fit in so well with a Louisiana location? Millar followed that up with a tweet reading, “One of the villains is from my favourite childhood run on the character. Again, very unexpected.”

Millar would’ve been about 13 when the character of Killer Croc first appeared, so it’s debatable but still totally possible that Croc would fit into that timeframe. Regardless, this rumor really only has Mark Millar to go on, so it comes down to whether or not you believe him. It’s still an interesting possibility though, and one worth discussing.

It is what is is. You believe Millar or not. We’ll know about the villain(s) soon enough. Just a matter of time. What do you think of a Riddler/Killer Croc combo battling Batman? Sounds cool.

If your not familiar with Killer Croc, here’s more info on him thanks to Batman Wiki:
Waylon Jones is a former crocodile wrestler turned into a criminal deformed by a birth defect. He has low intelligence but great strength, as well as crocodilian abilities, such as a keen sense of smell and the ability to hold his breath underwater for long periods of time.
He was born with a medical condition called “Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis”, it caused him to grow progressively more like a crocodile, hence his name.

  • Tru_Ninja

    Johnny Depp as the Riddler ftw. And why not villians like Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy or the Penguin?

    • Anti-Septic

      Some of my favorite Batman stories are when he goes up against Bane, why not use a villain such as Bane who is smart and super strong to be the main villain?

      Whoever Nolan chooses I am ok with, but to be honest I am tired of seeing the Penguin, Riddler, Joker, Mr. Freeze and etc. They have all been overdone with the previous Batman movies through the years. That is why I still love Batman Begins more than TDK because of the villain choices Nolan made and also how they were tied into each other which made them just phenomenal.

  • The Fiddler

    I do not believe in crocodiles.

  • Keith

    I must preface this with “In Nolan we trust.” So yeah, I think the man has earned any and all benefit of the doubt. He has his vision and he knows what he’s doing. BUT(!) I’d love to see him take on the iconic characters and leave the lesser knowns out of the equation. What he did with Joker was immaculate and many were left scratching their heads when the Ledger casting news surfaced. I want to see this same type of magic with characters like Riddler and Catwoman. I want to see them “Nolan-ized.” I think it’s a true extension of his creative genius that he can make these characters his own after we’ve come to envision them a certain way. It also takes a lot of balls.

  • AtlasMason

    I disagree to a very great extent, Jimmy. yeah, Joker was great in TDK, but you can always have Batman without Joker. Granted both characters needed each other to be who they were, but Batman didn’t spend all his days waiting for Joker to bust out of Arkham, there was always other villains up to no good. I LOVE the idea that Killer Croc might be in the third flick. I agree that he probably couldn’t carry the whole movie, but having a hideous and powerful thing moving through the sewers, using, to a certain degree the elements that Batman relies on himself: darkness, fear, etc…

    Croc and Riddler would be an amazing movie, I think. Introduce Talia Al Guhl for use in a later movie and I think it all adds up to be a great movie. I think that I would be disappointed if they tried to include Joker in this one. Not because Ledger did such a good job, but because a little bit of Joker goes a long way. If you have to bring him back, wait awhile. Maybe in the 4th or 5th movie people won’t care so much that it isn’t Ledger.

    • Anti-Septic

      I would love to see Talia Al Guhl in the next Batman film, She is a sexy siren. Batman has really missed that so far, Bruce hasnt really exploited the whole rich playboy thing yet.

      I agree with you that the time isnt right to try and replace Joker. To be honest, I wouldn’t be interested in seeing Joker again especially if it isnt Heath Ledger. Its like the Superman films, how many Superman/Lex Luther films do I really wanna see? I can tell you that number is zero now. Same goes for Joker, I seen him now its time to move on.

  • Jimmy

    I know that after Dark Knight I should be jumping outta my chair with excitement thinking of a 3rd Nolan Batman but I have to say it’s hard to. I have been a fan of Nolans since I saw Memento on the one screen it my city it came to, but I feel like he is making a huge mistake, and he should know better. He needs the Joker in Batman 3, it is that simple. I remember reading an interview with Nolan before Begins came out where they asked him the biggest mistake of the first set of films where and he said, they should never have killed the Joker. According to Nolan you can’t have Batman without his nemesis. I understand that plans changed with Ledgers death but they shouldn’t have. It’s obvious they aren’t worried about continuity as they were able to recast Rachel Dawes rather than just write her out. I get the Ledger’s performance was great but I don’t think it would be disrespectful for someone to carry on the mantle. I’m sorry but The Joker is bigger than Ledger, Connery may have been a perfect Bond but no one is complaining that we should stp making Bond films. It’d take an actor with some courage to step into the role but Ledger wouldn’t have been afraid to step up to the challenge of replacing someone. So I know it won’t happen, but I really hope the villian in the next Batman is the Joker.

    • TheSwede

      I agree with everything you’re saying. The Joker IS Batman almost more then Batsy himself.

      Why oh why did Ledger have to die.

    • Ryan

      The thing is, in the Nolan universe, the Joker isn’t dead (as far as the audience knows) and doesn’t have to be considered dead. That said, just because he’s not dead, doesn’t mean he *has* to be in the movie for it to be a good movie and bring this ‘darkness’ that Batman became in the previous film back to ‘light.’

      What I’m trying to say is nothing that you said is necessarily wrong, but you miss the point that the Joker isn’t dead, so what you’ve said is actually moot. He’s just not going to be in the next movie and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not as if Nolan is incapable of creating a good story and finishing his series without The Joker. Many of the biggest fans of these two Nolan films will actually say they think Batman Begins is the better of the two upon repeated viewings. I think the reason why The Dark Knight is remembered as one of these best-ever movies is simply because it featured one of the best-ever performances in any movie, ever. Batman Begins, itself, is one of the best comic book movies ever brought to the screen — certainly in the top 5.

  • Anti-Septic

    I am not crazy about the idea of “Killer Croc” as the next character in a Batman film, I would love to see Bane as the next villain myself. In the 1997 Batman movie the Bane character representation was an embarrassment to the comic book genre.

    Nolan versions of Scarecrow, Rhas Al Gul, Joker, and etc were all masterful. They(movie studios)could very well redeem themselves here if they allow Nolan to bring the true Bane to life.

    Just my opinion

  • Scott

    Why not killer croc? A bullied kid grows up with a self-loathing due to his unsightly looks creates a mindless killer controlled by another villian trying to destroy Batman for killing Ra’s Al Ghul. Enter Ra’s daughter, who has joined forces with the scarecrow. Nice story arc in there somewhere for Nolan to get his teeth into.

  • michael

    This has been my thought for a while. If the villain really is Killer Croc I can confidently say that he will be played by Thomas Hardy (watch ‘Bronson’ and you’ll find it is hard to disagree with this assumption).

  • joeshabazz

    clay-face created by gulf oilspill, uses his mutation to take out oil pipelines around the world :P