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October 27, 2010

Batman 3 Titled The Dark Knight Rises; No Riddler, No 3D

— Posted by Francisco

Liked the Joker said in The Dark Knight: “Here…we….go”. Director Christopher Nolan has finally given fans some details about the follow-up to The Dark Knight. Some of it may surprise you, some of it might not.

Collider says:

Director Christopher Nolan has spilled some revelations to Hero Complex about the upcoming film. First up, the next Batman movie will be titled The Dark Knight Rises. Nolan also tells Hero Complex that The Riddler will not be the villain in the third film. There have been reports that Killer Croc may be the villain, but that rumor came from Mark “in-no-way-trustworthy” Millar.

Finally, Nolan confirms what we already suspected: the film won’t be in 3D. Cinematographer Wally Pfister shares Nolan’s lack of enthusiasm for the technology. However, they’re both fans of IMAX and will “…instead use high-definition approaches and IMAX cameras to strike out on a different cinematic path…” Nolan filmed the intro of the Dark Knight in IMAX.

I like the title. I guess it hints at some sort of redemption for Bats, after that TDK ending. As for the Riddler not being a villain, I’m surprised. This makes it even more interesting, to see who the villain(s) will be. It might end up being a female villain after all, like the rumors have said. I guess we’ll have to wait and see until it’s decided. And as for no 3D, I’m glad. I’m not a big fan of 3D. And for a film like this, I prefer for them to end the trilogy with some cinematography continuity. Do the IMAX, but no 3D please.

What do you guys think of the title? You ok with no Riddler? You want 3D or IMAX?

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    In Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight”, he captured the audience’s attention by the title, plot and performances from all the cast members. The new title, “The Dark Knight Rises”, is very similar, but very intriguing. It leaves me wondering what the Dark Knight will rise to.
    As for the rumors about Batman’s new enemy, I am disappointed to hear there will be no Riddler as the villain. I feel the Riddler would be entertaining, especially since Jim Carrey’s performance as the Riddler in “Batman Forever” was outstanding.
    I like the idea of Nolan’s focus on another high-definition 2D Batman film because I don’t think 3D is necessary for this movie. “The Dark Knight” displayed great visuals and an amazing plot, so a similar approach should be emphasized for “The Dark Knight Rises”.

  • stef_dut

    All i have to say is this, Nolan is directing this movie. I am sure that no matter what vilain is going to be present he will do it his way, and based on the two previous movies it’s pretty clear that no metter what, The Dark Knight Rises is going to be an incredible movie. Probably oscar worthy once again.

    • 420BAND

      Same could be said for Spidey 1 & 2 .
      anyone remember what part 3 was like?

      “Mystic” Nolan or not
      Time will Tell
      If he pulls off another “Dark Knight” then we can get on our kness and throw rose pedals at his feet.

  • vargas

    I’ve always liked Iceman (in the animated series, not that abysmal movie in the ’90’s) and Man Bat.

  • Jonnyelfc

    First there was going to be a Riddler, Then No Riddler, Now Tom Hardy on IMDB is being Rumoured to play the Riddler and of yesterday he was listed for the part of Bullock…..There Taking us all for a ride, Of course theres going to be The Riddler and i really hope Jude Law is cast as Riddler but still there shows no sign of him being noticed…..Pull ya finger out Nolan, The perfect actor is waiting for the call….Team Law!!!

  • TheSwede

    Just wanna ask if anyone thought Killer Croc would be the villain since spideys going to fight connor in the re-boot. Would have been seriously bucked up if both would have had similar foes!

  • The Fiddler

    That is a bad title! :( It doesn’t sound creative.

    I would’ve wanted to see The Riddler so we could
    get the detective aspect of Batman.

  • Haywood Jabowmi

    its going to be the penguin and not as a mutant the penguin never was a fat mutant deformed person.

    he wore really nice suits a monacle and carried umbreallas thar could mess you up, sure he had a really big nose too but in the comics he was nothing like he was in batman returns by devito he was a criminal mastermind that had a taste for nice suits and umbrelas that could kill you.

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