Angelina Jolie Defies Gravity

Gravity, scripted by director Alfonso Cuarón, is about two characters, a team leader (Downey Jr.) and a female lead, who get stranded in space after their space station explodes, killing the remainder of their team. It’s been described as Castaway set in space. Warner Bro., was pushing hard to get Angelina Jolie for the female lead. Apparently, Jolie has decided to pass on it.

ScreenRant reports:

According to Deadline, Angelina Jolie has passed on the lead role in Alfonso Cuarón’s 3D film Gravity (co-starring Robert Downey Jr.). Despite being offered a mountain of cash and the opportunity to work with one of the greatest mainstream directors alive today, Jolie is too busy prepping her directorial debut, a Bosnian love story circa 1990-something.

Damn. Angelina Jolie would’ve rocked this one. I believe she would’ve done a great job carrying the film by herself a la Castaway. Even better, the combination of Jolie and Downey Jr. on screen, would’ve been awesome. Oh well, we’ll see who gets this part soon.

Do you think that Jolie made a good move here? Who would you cast for this? Do you like Cuarón’s films?

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