Space Jam Official Website active since 1996

Posted by on 29. 12. 2010in News Chat

One of the things I like about the internet is just how immortal everything is, and while sometimes when something is done online the people responsible will take it down, it seems this little Gem of an Internet Design eyesore has survived, likely by pure neglect alone.

Warner Brothers official wesbite for SpaceJam has been up and running since 1996 where this was considered the pinnacle of design!

The links all work and the painful frames site looks like it inspired the current MySpace profile clusterfuck.

Remember back in the day when this was considered cutting edge? I wonder if people will look at TMB or IdiotBox in 15 years and laugh at how primative our design is??

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5 Responses to “Space Jam Official Website active since 1996”

  1. Jeremy says:

    Yes, the soundclips page still works!

  2. fullmetal_medji says:

    I remember seeing this in ’96 and thinking it was the greatest I’ve ever seen.

  3. Joe says:

    The other day I was watching an HBO documentary about the Penguins and the Capitals and I kept on thinking what if they made a sequel to SpaceJam using NHL players.

  4. jack says:

    This is typical website design from the early days.
    the new movie sites have much more fancy animation and videos but content-wise this old site has almost the same content as most current movie sites do.
    not all of the links work, most of the video clips don’t play.

  5. Jay says:

    They outsourced their design from Geocities.

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