Olivia Wilde talks Tron Legacy Sequel

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 12. 2010in News Chat

While a Tron 3 has not been officially greenlit, Disney has reportedly already hired writers for another sequel. But in a recent interview with MTV, Olivia Wilde has her own ideas for a script where her character makes the leap from Digital to the real world.

ReelComix quotes:

“I’m so thrilled to play with Quorra in the human world. It would be sort of like ‘Splash,’ ” she said, referring to the ’80s comedy starring Daryl Hannah as a mermaid unleashed in Manhattan. “I want to see her whispering to laptops and hugging toasters… There’s a whole other chapter ahead.”

As fun as that fish out of water movie might be, I honestly don’t see it happening.

The whole draw of excitement for a Tron film would be the digital world. To see a digital character made flesh and blood just doesn’t have the same appeal.

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Rodney who has written 8614 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “Olivia Wilde talks Tron Legacy Sequel”

  1. Roderick says:

    I’d still watch it. Olivia Wilde is freaken hot as Quorra

  2. Slushie Man says:

    She may start off like that, but end up having to return to the digital world for some reason.

  3. hazmat says:

    There HAS to be a sequel. When tron died under the water his yellow lights turn off… and just when you think he croaked he turns on again with a new set of blue lights. Lol why would they do that unlikely

  4. arihmann says:

    i think they’re planning in advance, something to do with Cillyan Murphy as Edward Dillinger Jr… maybe he gets in the digital world and screws things up…

  5. Bigsampson says:

    Who cares TRON had no real importance in the flick and Quorra was totally a waste other then her beauty. The movie was amazing looking but seriously True Grit was a way better movie. I felt like TRON just missed everything. Clue was a crap enemy too.

  6. fullmetal_medji says:

    Considering its B.O. so far, I don’t think Disney will be making a sequel.

    • Rodney says:

      They are making a killing on toys and merchandising.

      It could still show a profit in the big picture. Cars was not Pixar’s biggest film, but they are sequeling that instead of bigger properties. Most likely because of the merchandise angle.

      • fullmetal_medji says:

        Yes that’s true, but I don’t think Disney is willing to green light another sequel, yet. The film cost $200 million to make and it will need strong B.O. numbers overseas, and to be a hit on the home market just for it to break even.

        I mean look at the Narnia franchise. The second one did decent business, but Disney still dropped it. Plus Cars is more marketable and it appeals to more audiences. So I can see why Disney is making a sequel to Cars.

  7. Derbmeister says:

    If “users” bleed in the Tron world, then she would not be “flesh and blood” in our world. I’m interested to see how this “fleshes” out…

  8. bobsyeruncle says:

    Am I the only one who thinks Ms.Wilde is beautiful beyond words EXCEPT in this movie?? Yeesh, they should’a called her “Whorra”.

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