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December 15, 2010

Jon Favreau Quits Iron Man 3 for Magic Kingdom

— Posted by Rodney

I have just loved the Iron Man films, and I have a ton of respect for Jon Favreau for the career he is leading. So while there is a Favreau shaped ass indent on Tony Stark’s couch, it seems that Jon Favreau has decided he will NOT be directing Iron Man 3 in favour of The Magic Kingdom for Disney.

Filmonic quotes Favreau

“Marvel and I both came of age together,” Favreau said. “The years that we shared were a pivotal experience. Kevin has a firm grasp on the many franchises and how they all interweave and I am happy that I had the opportunity to establish the world that these characters can now play in…. ‘Iron Man’ has given me tremendous opportunities and Kevin and I are enjoying a lot of momentum in our careers thanks to the ‘Iron Man’ films. I look forward to seeing what others can do playing in the same world.”

So what exactly is this Magic Kingdom movie Favreau is so keen to make? The director revealed a few details earlier this year:

“[The story for Magic Kingdom] is essentially a family caught in Disneyland, bringing all of the attractions to life. I really want to plumb the depths of the history of the park because it’s a place I love to go a few times a year.”

I don’t think it will be like Night of the Museum. I want to make it a little bit spookier like the old Disney movies were and try to really capture that tone.

Ok, lots of information about his enthusiasm for Magic Kingdom but WHY DID HE QUIT IRON MAN!!!!

Ok, honestly I could see the anxiety he might be facing as two Iron Man films paved the way for more Marvel films climaxing for The Avengers. Honestly, even Favs said Marvel sees Iron Man 3 as a virtual sequel to The Avengers, and that’s a lot to live up to.

But is he running from the pressure? Or just moving on?

And will he still play Happy Hogan?

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  • justme

    I’d place a bet on Favreau not willing to bend on the kind of mess that ended the Spiderman franchise. Better for the movie not to get made then to make another train wreck. Unless they want to go ahead without Favreau and Downey.

  • AAH

    they should stop with iron man 2, what more can u do with iron man for there to be a part 3, we already saw him as a drunk and he’s gonna be in the Advengers anyway so is not like your gonna miss him

    • Rodney

      Why stop? The comics didn’t stop after 2 stories, and they managed to find adventures to last the past 47 years. And you think they should stop because we have seen him “drunk enough” already?

      Demon in a Bottle is easily one of the most powerful and impacting story lines in comics ever.

      As long as the films keep entertaining (and making money) there is no reason to stop.

      • Geno

        There is the armor wars storyline, mass hysteria. Lots of iron man suits running around. Plus they can still go deeper into his alcoholism if they wanted to. I wonder who would take the helm for Iron Man 3? What direction do they want for Iron Man and Tony to go? I hope Jon changes his mind but I’m sure whoever steps in will bring a good vision for us to enjoy, or bring explosions every five minutes with close ups of the armor and repulsor blast sound effects.

      • knossis

        No one knows who’s going to take the helm of course but it’s part of Downey’s contract that he get’s to approve the Director.

  • TigerClaw

    The whole idea of the Magic Kingdom movie, Sounds a lot like a Night At the Museum

  • Andrew C

    Huh, I heard that Favreau left IM3 because Marvel was sticking their executive fingers into it and wanted to include too many characters. Kinda like what happened with Spider-Man 3; at least Favreau left before he made a mess of a movie like that :P

    • knossis

      Yep! You’re right. Marvel pushed all those characters being the movie in an effort to push Fav out or hoping he would quit. That’s what I was thinking too.

      • Tom

        Or think of it from a business perspective…

        Disney / Marvel can get my dim witted brother in law to direct Iron Man 3 and a ton of people will still go see it AND use Favreau on the Magic Kingdom


        Use Favreau on Iron Man 3 and get somebody not as hot as him to direct the Magic Kingdom.

        Easy decision for Disney / Marvel.

    • Rob D.

      Yep, thats what I heard too. Marvel was wanting to stick in to many characters to tie into the Avengers movie and Favreau wasn’t having it.

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