Christopher Nolan leaves Superman Reboot

Posted by Rodneyon 02. 12. 2010in News Chat

Chris Nolan was set to guide the Superman Reboot in a role most described as Godfather, but now he is setting his sights solely on The Dark Knight Rises and leaving Superman in the hands of Zack Snyder.

ScreenRant says:

Nolan has always been a one-movie-at-a-time kind of filmmaker – so, in order to focus on his final installment of the Batman franchise, Nolan has decided to leave Superman’s future in the hands of Zack Snyder and Warner Bros.

Nolan’s reputation for properly handling the transition of unrealistic superheroes into a realistic world gave a lot of confidence when we found out he would be Godfathering the efforts to reboot the Superman franchise, but he was never directing or writing the film.

Nolan’s influence and guiding hand will surely still be present as he originally “had an idea they couldn’t believe wasn’t being explored by Warner Bros.” and with Zack Snyder in place with that idea in hand, his involvement is done.

I don’t see this as a bad thing but a good thing. Despite most people thinking Nolan is without flaw, perhaps his greatest strength is recognizing his limitations. Nolan knows he is better when he can devote his attention and efforts into one film at a time, and so not to distract himself from The Dark Knight Rises he is limiting his projects to just one. Batman.

If he divided his attention, perhaps The Dark Knight Rises would suffer. It is set to be the last Nolan Batman film, and the last thing you need blemishing your supernatural reputation is a third film of a franchise that sucks after so much success at the first two.

Ask Raimi.

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Rodney who has written 8483 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Christopher Nolan leaves Superman Reboot”

  1. Lawrence says:

    Is Nolan totally out of this Superman reboot, or is he merely delegating everything to Zack Snyder and consult Snyder from time to time during production?

    • Jamie says:

      Based on this post and what else I have read, I believe he presented the idea (and even contributed to a screenplay) and has turned everything over to Snyder now that he has been chosen as director. I am to believe Nolan gave Snyder everything he had and now it’s up to Snyder to bring the movie to life through his own work and vision. Has anyone else heard differently?

  2. knossis says:

    Sounds like a good move.Nolan probably feels Synder is more than up to the task and see’s no need to micro manage. If Synder has Nolan’s concept ideas for the Superman reboot, that should be enough.

  3. jennifer says:

    Your title saying Nolan leaves Superman Reboot is misleading. He’s still the executive producer of the new Superman film.

    • Rodney says:

      He is not at all involved in the project at all anymore. He will get the credit for the work and guidance he has already provided, but he is leaving it to Snyder entirely now.

      It is not at all misleading. He is leaving the project.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Fine with me.

  5. J Cribbs says:

    It’s not like they’re going to erase the ideas he already put into this film, so him leaving doesn’t really matter at this point.

  6. Kaneda979 says:

    If this gives him COMPLETE focus on Batman 3, that is totally fine with me.

    I think Snyder will do more then a good job even without Nolan.

    Still can’t wait to see how both of these turn out.

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