Alien Prequel is One Film and Not Called Paradise

Posted by Rodneyon 09. 12. 2010in News Chat

Earlier this week we got a flood of Alien Prequel goodness that revealed a title, potential stars, and even news that Scott would be working on two Alien Prequels back to back.

But that turns out to not be true.

Collider has:

Yesterday, it looked as if we were getting a huge amount of info on Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel. Vulture reported that the film was called “Paradise”, and that Michael Fassbender (Inglourious Basterds) and Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) were being offered roles. But last night, Chris Petrikin, 20th Century Fox’s Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, took to the Twitter machine to make some clarifications. He first stated that the title is not “Paradise”. Presumably, “Paradise” could just be an alias for the production. It did seem odd that Fox would make an Alien movie and not put the word “Alien” in the title.

The truth of it turns out that Ridley Scott’s quoted statement implying that there would be TWO prequels (which he was just worrying about one at a time) and that roles were being offered out is a pure fabrication.

So as it stands right now, there will be one film and it is still under the working title of “Ridley Scott’s Alien Prequel” until we are told otherwise.

Some franchises just have too vast a world to ignore and you can keep exploring them. I didn’t feel that Alien had that much of an expansive story to be told, so two prequels seemed ambitious.

The one factor that has me intrigued with the Space Jockey angle being presented here is that they are introducing something that can give the franchise that depth to this universe. More than just Aliens hunting and breeding and face hugging,

Sure, Predators expanded the scope a bit when they crossed the two but honestly the Predator’s dogma is pretty thin too. We are warriors who like to kill stuff, and stuff happens to be Aliens, but those people types pose an interesting challenge as well.

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Rodney who has written 8632 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “Alien Prequel is One Film and Not Called Paradise”

  1. knossis says:

    I think both these Iconic creatures have worn out their welcome a little bit. Same can be said for the terminator too and I love the terminator.

  2. fullmetal_medji says:

    I would have rather seen a reboot instead of a prequel.

  3. MichoPower says:

    I love the alien frachise…have since I was a kid! They have not been worn out, they have been too watered down. I think R. Scott can revive the franchise but my fanboyism still cries out for a James Camerson type movie to reboot the series.

  4. matty says:

    For this to succeed Jones must make a comeback

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