What’s Up With Randy Quaid?

Posted by Danon 03. 11. 2010in News Chat

Alright, so as most of you know Randy Quaid has now hid amongst us Canadians from the supposed Hollywood ‘Star Whackers.’ This news has spread across North America causing debates if Randy Quaid’s efforts to escape these ‘Star Whackers’ is legitimate or has Randy and his wife Evi simply lost their marbles.

Before I get into my opinion watch the two part video below of Randy Quaid’s speech upon arriving in Vancouver explaining to why he’s escaped to Canada and whom he’s escaping from.

I have to say I am very pleased that Randy decided to make this speech to the vancouver media. The problem with most actors is that when the media starts throwing negativity their way instead of standing up for themselves they often get people to talk for them or don’t respond at all.

The way Randy did it was the smart way, he sat down wrote down an intelligent response and read it to the media. The things he’s saying may sound absurd or “crazy” but by the way he’s representing himself and speaking he seems honest and definitely not crazy.

The allegations he’s making are very serious and he actually mentions 3 names of people whom he believes are responsible for the deaths of 8 of his colleagues. The first name I can’t quite make out, The second is Warren Grant his business manager who I wasn’t able to find much information on, and then Finally Lloyd Braun.

Now, Lloyd Braun could sound familiar for several reasons. But for me it was cause Lloyd Braun was a character on Seinfeld “Serenity now, Insanity later.” What I didn’t know until now was that the character was actually named after the Lloyd Braun Randy is referring to because at the time he was Larry Davids Lawyer. He also was one of the men behind Sopranos. He was the one who Greenlit the ‘Lost’ Pilot only to get canned, from there he went to work for Yahoo! Media group in the content division which allowed him to initiate the Celebrity Gossip site ‘OMG!’.

Talk about Jack of all trades, the guy seems like a shark willing to do whatever job as long as it brings in the cash and keeps him in first class. That doesn’t make him a bad guy even though creating a site like OMG! which bashes your past clients and friends is a pretty douche bag move. I wish I knew about the other two characters in question for I’m sure they have a shady past as well.

It’s so hard to formulate an intelligent opinion on such conspiracies when we only have such limited information and especially when it’s regarding people who are high up in the media food chain. For if theres anywhere you can commit crime and get away with it is behind a wall of media, because those puppeteers can censor how much information us regular Joe’s actually get to see.

Anyway, I just wanted to write this article to start a little debate where we can all share our opinions on this Randy Quaid situation. For me, I think Randy is a good actor and an intelligent human being. He does not seem crazy even though his character in National Lampoons makes it hard to not see him like that. But this ‘Star Whacker’ thing just sounds a little convoluted and a lot to take in seriously.

What do you think?

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Dan who has written 83 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “What’s Up With Randy Quaid?”

  1. Ryan3D says:

    i always thought that they killed heath ledger to get the money,

  2. Bigsampson says:

    I don’t know any of them so it is all hear say. We all know hollywood folks are crooked….so there it is

  3. Frank says:

    Wow. At first i thought this was some sort of Joaquin Phoenix deal, but he seems pretty serious. The thing about the other hollywood stars dying early, misadventurous deaths would make a good basis for a screenplay.
    Thanks Rodney, cool beans.

  4. Kevin says:

    The first YouTube video on here had me believing his story and than I immediately watched the second which IMO went way out there and made me think paranoid schizoprenic. I have had some time to dwell on this and think about it and I don’t know what to make of this honestly. I believe him to an extent, but at the same time I think he is crazy and paranoid. I do believe though that thier are people that would do what he is impliying to get rich and I believe that they push drugs and stuff to celebrities in hopes they od and die to collect their royalities which is frakked up. I guess we’ll gave to wait for more information comes out and see this unfold.

  5. The Shape says:

    its usually the ppl that society likes to label “crazy” that end up being the ones telling the truth. so maybe their is something to what he’s saying, but he should have done this before all the legal nonsense started…

  6. Art says:

    I’m not sure what to make of this. Although he seems very lucid, of sound mind, and in complete control of his faculties, these are outrageous claims he is making.

    In my opinion, whether these claims are true or not, I don’t think anyone can deny that there are a lot of people out there making a whole lot of money off of the professional and personal lives of actors, and that these powers-that-be care very little about the damage done to the actors and the industry that they rely on to put money in their pockets. If they did, we would not have the unfortunate Hollywood cases we have, i.e. a little 18 year old Disney kid like Demi Lovato entering rehab, Lindsay Lohan (need i say more), and countless other people negatively affected by Hollywod.

  7. gangstalking says:

    I believe Randy is likely a Gang Stalking target. This very simply means that at some point in his past under these occupational health and safety laws, he ended up on a list. The lists are put together by what are called Threat Assessment Teams. Once on the list, your life is systemically destroyed. You are followed around, stalked, and everyone you come in contact with get’s a letter or information about why you are on the list.

    It’s believed that Britney, Lindsay Lohan, and Mel Gibson ended up on the list. The problem with these lists is that a lot of times they spread false rumors, or they just poison the person social circle. Eg. Someone get’s a letter saying celebrity X is a danger to themselves or others, should only be seen in pairs, this goes out to everyone that person is in contact with, online and offline. Then some people around the target deliberately follow them around, monitor their online communications, and a variety of other things. Apparently all legel under these Threat Assessment Guidelines, and all fully capable of destroying someone’s life. This is the information that should be getting out there. The Targets of Gang Stalking are not mentally ill in many cases or on drugs, they are targeted and need to get the media to expose what is happening.

  8. 420BAND says:

    Didn’t we hear awhile back that he would trash Vegas hotel rooms and Bail on the tab and such?
    Now this.

    Hard to Tell

    Love Randy Quaid though!

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