The Mechanic Trailer

Synopsis Via Trailer Addict

A remake of the 1972 “The Mechanic.” The Mechanic centers on Steve McKenna (Ben Foster), a young man who becomes an apprentice to a hitman (Jason Statham).

And the poster:

I have to be honest here and admit I have not yet seen the original to this film, but I must say ever since I saw Ben Foster in Alpha Dog I’ve wanted him to be in a film with Jason Statham. The trailer looks descent enough to spark my interest in the film itself but I am waiting for some footage that shows a little more ass kickin’. Even though I’m sure this film won’t be amazing I’m hoping it will make a good fix for my needed dose of testosterone.

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3 thoughts on “The Mechanic Trailer

  1. Dan: You really should check out the original w/Charles Bronson & Jan Michael Vincent. Hardcore 70’s feel w/a mind-blower of an ending. Give it a try; it’s good retro fun.

  2. I’ll never understand why Ben Foster keeps getting movie roles, he’s just not a good actor (IMO).

    While watching The Messenger, all I could think was “There’s Ben Foster, trying to act tough and mentally distraught”. 3:10 to Yuma - “There’s Ben Foster again, trying to act like an intimidating outlaw”.

    I seem to be alone in these sentiments though, everyone else seems to love him.

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