Paranormal Activity 3 is Coming

Posted by on 18. 11. 2010in News Chat

With the raging success of Paranormal Activity I wasn’t surprised they were making a sequel. But I was hesitant they could create the same phenomenon again that made the first so popular. And while it seemed unlikely they managed to get positive reviews and even more buzz.

So of course, there is going to be a Paranormal Activity 3.

Movie Moron reports:

Yes Paramount have just announced that there will be a ‘Paranormal Activity 3′ to be released next year. To be fair, the standard so a far has been pretty reasonable. Also, considering the ridiculous amount of profit the films have made, who can blame them!

I don’t envy the eggshells they have to be walking on trying to make lightning strike a third time, but considering the crazy almost non-existant budget these things get made for, they could put out a third and have it flop completely and still not care.

So of course they are making another one.

Paranormal Activity 1 - $15,000 budget - $193m Worldwide Boxoffice
Paranormal Activity 2 - $3m budget - $157m Boxoffice (after 3 weeks)

Still not sure what they spent $3million dollars on considering the first was done for less than I pay in taxes each year, and the second held the same tone and feel.

But its still a staggering number comparing the budget to the money taken in and they barely have to advertise. They will keep making these until they stop making money.

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17 Responses to “Paranormal Activity 3 is Coming”

  1. HDpunk says:

    i wouldn’t mind seeing a prequel, but they would probably have to drop the found footage part of it

    • Evan says:

      Paranormal Activity 2 was a prequel

      • Rodney says:

        It actually takes place at the same time as the first film, but starts before and ends after the first film.

        I think HDPunk is suggesting a movie that reveals why the house or the girls are haunted would be interesting.

  2. zhongcan says:

    hey, was the second one as big as a success as the first one? if they’re making a third one, then people gotta be enjoying the paranormal series

  3. Slushie Man says:

    I loved both movies, and I’m all for a third. Actually, I’d LOVE a new PA movie every single year, and I’m perfectly fine with each entry from this point on being unrelated. However with that said, I’d be just as fine with a direct continuation. As long as the finished product is entertaining to me, I really don’t care which direction they go.

  4. Richard M says:

    #2 was better than the 1st by far. Of course they are gonna have a 3rd…the ending of 2 leads up to it. The only thing I can see the extra money spent would be on the actors since the new cast are actually Hollywood actors (Sprague Grayden was from the TV series Jericho and numerous guest spots on other hit shows, Molly Ephraim was in the movie College Road Trip). Plus the 2 original actors are not gonna ask for the same pay either.

  5. apexeis says:

    i believe the new one wont be succeful because the scenario is quite common unless people like to see a repeated movie.

  6. RaveMaster5 says:

    i think that they should expand on the concept of the demon. Maybe go back to when they were both kids, and talk about how the grandma made the pact with the demon, and the first born male and stuff. OR if not that, do the case the mentioned in the first movie, or again, when katie and her sister were kids and the shit that went down then

    • Monkey92 says:

      I agree with RaveMaster5, if you make a 3rd one, you should show what happened with Kate and her sister were kids, it would really give you the excitement of seeing what they and their mother went through, because in the second one Kate says “you’ll end up like mum” And i would like to see what happened to her and what things where like after the deal was made :]

  7. Michelle says:

    i think a third paranormal activity three would be awsome i loved the first and second cant wait for this one to come out next year even tho it is long waitting time lol :D

  8. bleednshiver says:

    if you would like the series to remain sucessful, leave the mystery of what happened when they were kids a mystery until the fourth movie, by that time it will be time for a change, if you change course now people will feel robbed of an open scenario…the demon is on the loose, follow!
    and after the pandamonium, give the closure of tying up the pre story.
    best example of this route being succesful, movie: Star Wars

  9. Ashley says:

    I sure hope there will be a 3rd!! The second movie was amazing… espically the scene in the basement. I think the directors should put in some more footage of the possesd person, because I really want to see what they look like possesed! - This is coming from a 13 year old girl who is absolutly obsesed with Paranormal Activity <3

  10. KmDavis2010 says:

    I think a third PA would be awesome the first one was good and the second one in my opinion was even better! I am not sure how they should spin the third one, but I do want to see what the people look like possessed! Just a random question did these events really happen?

  11. Jodie says:

    I liked the first Paranormal Activity and i Loved the second Paranormal Activity. I would really like to see a third one. If they do make a third I think it’ll be about when Katie and her sister are kids and they’re grandmother making a deal with the demon. I think it would be cool.

  12. Alexandra crowder says:

    is there going to be 4,5,6,7, and 8 of paranormal activity and i love 1 and 2 of paranormal activity both of them were great

  13. site circus says:

    This movie was really terrible. I’m not a fan of the whole “found footage” thing…but I was still expecting more. Their were a lot of loose ends, and you basically waited the whole movie for a few seconds of action at the end.

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