New Sucker Punch Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 04. 11. 2010in Reviews

Another trailer for the much anticipated Sucker Punch is online and its even better than the first one.

This adds another layer of depth that I wanted to see in this film - the Reality side of things before it gets all surreal. And even the “real” part of the film will have some stylzing going on.

And its all HOT. The super stylized look at this is jaw dropping.

I can’t wait.

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Rodney who has written 8343 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “New Sucker Punch Trailer Online”

  1. oz says:

    I can’t wait either. This looks amazing, like 300 and the watchmen looked… if Superman looks as half as good as this, we have ourselves another super hero (the greatest of them all) franchise born ala nolan-batman.

  2. 420BAND says:

    Holy Sh%t does that look good!
    Eye Candy overload.
    Can you Imagine how wicked Supes is gonna turn-out if he keeps givin’ us these visuals?


  3. Ty says:

    Holy mother f****r!!! That was disgustingly awesome!!!!

  4. Shane says:

    This movie is going to be the shit! Can’t wait!

  5. Andy says:

    Visuals look great but did they cast the entire ensemble of the Pussycat dolls?

  6. TheSwede says:

    Hands down the best trailer i’ve ever seen.

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