Moon Rise Kingdom Scouts its Cast

Posted by Rodneyon 11. 11. 2010in News Chat

Wes Anderson has quietly been amassing a cast for his ensemble film Moon Rise Kingdom. So far, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand and Tilda Swinton are on his list for roles in the movie though none have officially signed on yet.

Live for Films says:

Moon Rise Kingdom is set in the 60s. Two young adults fall in love and run away. Leaders in their New England town are sticking the idea that they’ve disappeared and go in search of them. Norton will play a scout leader who brings his charges on a search. Willis is in talks to play the town sheriff who’s also looking, and who is having an affair with the missing girl’s mother, the role McDormand is in talks to play. Murray, a regular in Anderson films, will play the girl’s father, who has his own issues.

Sounds like an interesting film that looks like the runaways will be more the reason these people all come together, and not the plot itself. The real story is likely tucked away in the interactions and weaving of these lives as they all get together to search for these missing lovers.

Sounds interesting.

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Rodney who has written 8632 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “Moon Rise Kingdom Scouts its Cast”

  1. 420BAND says:

    Now he’ll add both Wilson brothers (Owen and Luke) with a sprinkle of Ben Stiller to the mix and Wholla! Cast is done

  2. alkalinefan311 says:

    I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s just me, but I just don’t like this guys work. Though I understand many do.

    • Mr. James says:

      I’m not a huge fan of Wes Anderson’s films either, however I can understand their appeal. My biggest complaint about his films are the studios marketing technique of selling his films as comedies. The trailers always show you ALL and I do mean ALL of the funny parts in the film but then what they don’t show you is the other 1 hour 58 minutes of boredom that come with the remainder of the plot and interaction of characters. They are artsy, and visually beautiful compositions of film work and I don’t fault him on that. However, he always markets them as comedies and I think that is misleading.

      • Brian D says:

        Rushmore is one of my favorite movies and I had no desire to see it based on the trailer. I think one of my friends asked me to go see it because he had free passes and I really liked it. But based on the trailer it looked like a really bad comedy. But this movie should be good, the last two Anderson movies were good, but I’m ready for a big ensemble type of movie with some cool 60s music in the soundtrack.

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