HBO’s Game of Thrones Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 11. 2010in News Chat

I haven’t read the Game of Thrones by George R R Martin, but the book series comes highly recommended by some people I respect so its been on my radar. And now it looks like the hype has earned it some cinematic appeal as well. But instead of making it a feature film, the story is going to be presented as the new HBO series.

I am very much looking forward to this!


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Rodney who has written 8473 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “HBO’s Game of Thrones Trailer Online”

  1. TheSwede says:

    somehow this feels like a mix of Boromir and Sharpe. Actually it feels just like Sharpe if i understand the story correct. Sean Bean is mean killing machine. He takes orders and always delivers. But he also has a conscious….

    But hey… mr bean (hahaha) is a excellent actor and swords rock so game on biiiaches!

    • Jon says:

      in the novel bean’s character is definitely not supposed to be a killing machine. he does execute that one guy himself, for the reasons it says in the trailer. if you give an order, have the balls to carry it out yourself if you have to. the novels are really awesome and i recommend them to anyone who is literate. the author is very good. i’m very excited about seeing this.

      • TheSwede says:

        Aiiight then. I’ll see then,

        I wasn’t bashing on the trailer/series. Just thought of Sharpe.

  2. Danny says:

    Looks interesting. I just hope the music in the trailer is not representative of the music in the series (I’m really sick of nearly every genere of movie using hard rock). Also will this be a mini series or a regular tv series?

  3. Roman says:

    This is uncharted water, i have never seen a serious fantasy series with HBO’s production power. I am so looking forward to this.

  4. lil says:

    Game of Thrones is one of the best books I’ve ever read so there is no doubt I`m going to watch it. I love the idea of making a TV series, it seems so much more suitable then a film.

  5. Kevin says:

    I love these books, and I’m extremely excited for the series. Sean Bean’s character, Eddard, a.k.a. Ned, is not a killing machine. He kills only when he has to. He is a high Lord, the King is the only man he takes orders from. The man he kills is a deserter. The penalty for desertion is death. His moral code says that if he would sentence the man to die, he owes it to him to hear his last words, look the man in the eyes, and swing the sword himself. The reason Cersei (played by Lena Headey) tells him he was born to follow, is because Ned is the 2nd born son. His older brother was killed in a previous war, and Ned was next in line, so he became the Lord of Winterfell. But the character I’m most looking forward to seeing on film in Tyrion, played by Peter Dinklage (the dwarf). There’s no way they can match the budget or on-screen visuals and special effects as Lord of the Rings, but in my opinion, the story line, dialogue, and plot twists make it a superior series.

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