Blubberella Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 09. 11. 2010in News Chat

Uwe Boll just can’t do a normal film that doesn’t raise some sort of reaction out of people, and today we catch wind of his next cinematic superhero movie called Blubberella.

The first female fat superhero - which he quotes “will kick major ass with her major ass.

Just terrible. Its not even something that makes you WANT to see it. I would have expected this as a gag, but this is a real movie that he filmed at the same time as Auschwitz and Bloodrayne: The Third Reich, reusing sets and extras.

Ok, I guess he figured when he didn’t get skinned alive for his Auschwitz teaser trailer in which he cameod himself as a nazi soldier guarding the door of a gas chamber as war prisoners were screaming behind the large metal door, he had officially reached untouchable status and could make anything he wants.

But if you are going to have a plus sized star, at least make her something positive. There is no reason a big girl can’t be a superhero and have a film that is entertaining. Its not just offensive to make fat jokes at the expense of your star, but he also names the film and character to make it a big joke.

No one takes Boll seriously as a film maker, and with movies like this does he really have to wonder why?

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Rodney who has written 8375 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “Blubberella Trailer Online”

  1. Mr. James says:

    Was that also him making a cameo as Hitler as well?

    I don’t know. I’m in for at least a Netflix watch if nothing else.

  2. Dean says:

    hmm did look like him as hitler not sure probably is knowing boll, dont think i will watch this as he ruined video game movies, why does companies still let him make this stuff? probably only film i thought was good of his was Postal thats it.

  3. cloud720 says:

    I use to hate Uwe Boll but I think he might be becoming my hero.

    You see, I dream of making movies, but I allow my lack of talent to discourage me. Uwe Boll would never let a little thing like talent get in his way of making movies. Uwe Boll should be motivation to us all.

  4. J Cribbs says:

    Uwe Boll didn’t “ruin” videogame movies and no one should care who takes him seriously. The guy makes the movies he wants to make. If he cared what anyone thought, or even took himself seriously as a film-maker, his projects would be much different.

  5. weslely says:

    what did i watch? at first i said this looks good and then,,,,,bad comedy..looks awful.. i watch it late at night on tv when i can’t sleep.

  6. Andy says:

    “But if you are going to have a plus sized star, at least make her something positive. There is no reason a big girl can’t be a superhero and have a film that is entertaining. Its not just offensive to make fat jokes at the expense of your star, but he also names the film and character to make it a big joke.”

    First of all, how can you give Boll stick for casting a larger woman in a leading role? How many Hollywood productions have ever done the same? And also, can you only do “fat jokes” when the main character is a man? There are numerous male actors that have built their careers around being the “fat guy”.

    The movie sucks regardless of the actor and jokes being fat/skinny.

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