Universal to Adapt Cate Tiernan’s novel series Sweep

Posted by on 21. 10. 2010in News Chat

With the success of the Harry Potter Novels, there were a lot of copycats as the occult inspired young adult novel genre exploded. So is it any surprise that as Harry Potter draws to its cinematic close in the next year or so, that other franchises are making the preemptive strike to fill its place?

Universal has already hired Robert Nelson Jacobs to write a film adaptation of Cate Teirnan’s novel series “Sweep”

Dark Horizons says:

The story revolves around Morgan Rowlands, a sixteen-year-old girl who discovers she is descended from a long line of blood witches. She soon comes to question whether she should use her powers for good or evil.

That sounds creepy a lot like a Harry Potter clone to me. There have been so many books trying to follow this formula (which Harry was not the first) of a teen finding out they have a magical history and are suddenly thrust into a world of magic they didn’t know existed.

I haven’t heard of Sweep before, but hopefully it adapts better than other teen fantasy novels of late.


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2 Responses to “Universal to Adapt Cate Tiernan’s novel series Sweep”

  1. Sarah says:

    I actually read this series when I was younger - more than once. It’s quite different from Harry Potter, and I think it would make an excellent movie series. Plus these were published years ago, before the HP series was finished, so this series definitely isn’t a copycat. It’s more Wicca than “magic”-based, which means that unlike HP, it’s meant to take place in our world. Morgan, the main character, is kind of like the Neo of the Wiccan world in that she has extraordinary unexpected powers. It has the the elements to appeal to a mainstream audience - a love triangle, teenage angst, really cool magical stuff… I feel like I’m selling it off as a cheap knock-off of Twilight, but really - this came first, and it’s infinitely better than Meyers’ crap. I think that if this does get made, it has the potential to be really good.

  2. Munaza says:


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