New Saw 3D clip Online - Jill’s Death

Posted by Rodneyon 22. 10. 2010in News Chat

Ever wonder what an overside 4 sided razor hunting arrow would do to a person if you tied them in place and drove it through them with an overly elaborate go cart?

You do? Good. Because that’s precisely what happens in this Saw3D clip. Spoiler… Jill doesn’t make it out of the movie.

I honestly don’t see the appeal in this. It just seems rediculous. In what started out in the first film as cerebral and thought provoking, these films have turned more and more into just gore and guts. The very fact that they offer up THIS scene as a teaser to make you want to go just makes me want to pass on it.

I am not opposed to senseless violence for the sake of entertainment, in fact I encourage it. But it gets tired after they do it for so many sequels. Loses it charm.


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Rodney who has written 8280 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “New Saw 3D clip Online - Jill’s Death”

  1. Josh says:

    i agree wholeheartedly…this is just damn disappointing. i love the saw movies but this just seems horrible to me…none of the depth or purpose that was in the previous films (however little there was anyway)

  2. 420BAND says:

    Lost it’s charm for me when I went to see it (the 1st one) at a midnight Halloween showing. about halfway through I called the ending/dude on the floor. Lame.

    never looked back after that.

    always up for good horror though. this just aint it

  3. Audioout says:

    I haven’t watched anything Saw since the 3rd one since I hated it so much but that was worse than I could have imagined it got. That looked stupid as hell.

  4. bernardg says:

    I like the first because it twisted ending really out of left field and surprise me dearly. But losting interest with it sequel and such

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