Lucasfilm Denies New Trilogy News - Fans Expect it Anyways

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 10. 2010in Headlines, News Chat

Star Wars fans everywhere were indifferent to the rumour that George Lucas plans on writing a new Star Wars trilogy for a cinematic release (after he is done tinkering with the 3D sagas) but the official statment says its not true.

Word had it that he would leap ahead to a time beyond the novels (currently telling stories 45 years after Episode 4: A New Hope) to start a new tale that wont involve the Skywalker line.

/Film lifts us up to put us down gently:

So, be sure to file this rumor under “just in case,” but IESB – who has been known to have connections at Lucasfilm in the past – is currently reporting that Lucas is “plotting to create” new Star Wars movies which would be released after the six three 3D re-releases and would take place far in the future, not relating to the Skywalkers.

“This is, of course, completely false,” Lucasfilm spokesman Josh Kushins wrote to Wired. “George Lucas has plenty of projects to keep him busy right now — including plenty of Star Wars projects — but there are no new Star Wars feature films planned.”

This of course is the official statement.

George is a lot of things. Storyteller, visionary, businessman, Godfather of Flannel, and Papa Smurf of Geeks. But absolute he is not.

Only Sith speak in Absolutes.

This would not be the first time that George has gone back on his word. He claimed they would never make the prequels, then while creating the special editions he announced they were next up on his plate. Then he said he was done creating Star Wars stories and we get the Clone Wars animated series, and a planned live action TV series (that already has a reported 100 episode run ready to go)

Would he do Star Wars again? I think its niave to assume he will ever stop. Right now the offical statement is debunking the rumour, but you know that after he gets all knee deep in remastering his original films in 3D, he very well could carry on.

Personally I would like to see him do the Thrawn Trilogy, but it isn’t likely to happen.

Leaping ahead 100 or 1000 years (Like the Star Wars Legacy comics did) would be brilliant. It removes any of the conflict of the inevitable bad translation of the massive library of expanded universe novels (which are admitted as cannon until George decides they are not) and leaves a clean slate to start a new generation of Star Wars stories in a far flung future well beyond the Skywalker’s influence.

So its “not happening” … but that’s not to say it wont happen.

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Rodney who has written 8314 posts on The Movie Blog

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16 Responses to “Lucasfilm Denies New Trilogy News - Fans Expect it Anyways”

  1. Michael V Banno says:

    I thought the live action series was canceled? Anyway, just cause it’s not planned doesn’t mean he isn’t considering possibilities.

  2. cloud720 says:

    Is it set to be one 3d film every year? If that last for 6 years, it might make sense not to release a new trilogy for another 7 years. So maybe he will start working on it in four years.

  3. knossis says:

    No more! Save us the agony! The only decent prequel was the third one. Without Joseph Campbell’s influence and philosophical direction George lost the magic of myth that was apparent in the first three films. That is why the first trilogy had such an impact, they touched our consciousness on a mythological level. Magic and mystery long missing from our contempary landscape, reentered our drap little lives.The prequels watered everything down to explaing the force( bye bye mystery and magic) and political intrigue (which was quite boring). With no central archtypes to relate to, no hero or heroine, no rogue everything seemed so blah and dead.You can only catch lighting in a bottle once. George should be very proud of himself though. He’s created two characters whose names and stories will be mentioned 100′s of years from now, Luke Skywalker and Indiana Jones. That’s quite a legacy. He’s a modern day Disney.

    • 420BAND says:

      Agree with most of that, but theres no stopping this beast!

      I take it he has kids to carry this stuff on

    • Darth Ardnerus says:

      Sorry you feel that way, I’m sure there are millions around the world who feel differently and would ensure this legacy to continue as a box office success. I mean, if producers can spew out multiple movies from franchises such as Harry Potter, Lethal Weapon, Saw, Rocky, etc, you can bet that the ‘Star Wars’ universe can churn out many many movies to come in future and I believe that all will be ‘very profitable’, if not mega box office busters! Don’t know about you, mate but I know I will still be buying tickets for these new ones, ever since I bought my first ‘Star Wars’ ticket back in 1977. Bring them on! May the Force be with you, George Lucas.

  4. Cinema-Phreak says:

    Wow!!!, if the original trilogy was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, and the new rumored stuff was in the distant future to the original trilogy, would the tag line then read “Modern day in a galaxy far far away”…..

  5. Indiana Jones' Brother says:

    If he ever does this then can he at least let someone else direct? If he directs again I have no hope. I don’t really have much hope for his writing either, but at least if a talented director takes it on they can surely squeeze some greatness out of his scripts. Maybe. Well, at least we have the amazing originals!

  6. kingl says:

    For all we know, Lucas might take Star Wars to his grave.

  7. Ryan says:

    To me, he’s already killed the near-sacred cultural impact Star Wars used to have between the new trilogy and the cartoons, replacing it with a popcorn fun that’s no more or less meaningful than any of the other crap out there, so he may as well. That said, I’d much prefer he finish out the story and just recast Luke, Han, Leia, etc. The Thrawn trilogy was very fun and could make great movies, finishing out the story of the New Republican’s birth while not feeling entirely like one, giant, 3-movie epilogue.

  8. darren j seeley says:

    I personally do not care one iota about the books post Return Of The Jedi, and was actually turned off early on when I found out Luke turned to the dark side for a short time. I refused to read it. I might as we be kicked in the nuts. As far as I’m concerned, none of that horsecarp is canon. It’s no wonder why some fans want that “three movie” finish (Lucas dreamed up a wishful nine film story once upon a starrry sky) just to put this stuff to pasture. I personally have disavowed the post Jedi novels, including Thrawn storyline. I will not partake.

    That all said, I think while it would be outstanding to have a Jedi tale set generations after ROJ, or even generations before, I’m fine with what is before us (filmwise) at the time being.

    Theatrically, the Star Wars universe may not have hit a high like the first trilogy,but it still went out with some digity. I despise the Clone Wars cartoon with all fiber of being. I still have hopes for the live action series.

    But there’s no hurry on Star Wars Chapters 7, 8 and 9.

    • Rodney says:

      Luke turning to the Dark Side was for deliberate sabotage. He did not do it out of weakness or manipulation. He chose to dabble with the dark side to earn the trust of the resurrected Emperor. Which was a Dark Horse comic, not a novel.

      Still part of the expanded universe and considered part of the novel cannon.

      There are a lot of hits and misses in the novels. As long as you avoid the Kevin J Anderson garbage, its mostly above average with some shining (Zahn) books that expand the story well outside of just the Skywalkers.

      • Michael V Banno says:

        Is it not true that Lucas himself does not consider the novel EU canon to the films?

      • Rodney says:

        Lucas has made it clear that the Expanded Universe stories are considered Canon but he also reserves the right to at any moment decide they are not.

        Presuming of course if he decides that he wants to make more films and his plan would contradict with the novels, he wins.

        But the novels have long since got to the point where they contain more story than the movies themselves and shape a much wider portrait of the Star Wars Universe that he is unlikely to just ignore 300 or so novels worth of storyline.

  9. Freddy J says:

    Give George the backseat and hand over all writing to whoever writes the Star Wars stories for the Force Unleashed games and whoever writes for Bioware when they do a Star Wars game. Then George can just look over what they come up with.

  10. vargas says:

    If Lucas allows someone like, oh say……Steven Spielberg to direct these supposed films that may or may not come out then I’m all for it!

  11. Chris says:

    Equally disruntled about hearing about the re-releases in 3D as well as hearing him possibly writing more Star Wars. C’mon, hasn’t this (cashcow) series been beaten to death already?

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