Liam Neeson Replaces Mel Gibson’s Cameo in Hangover 2

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 10. 2010in News Chat

Remember last week when it seemed that there was trouble brewing on set of The Hangover 2 and all the fingers were pointed at Mel Gibson’s cameo role (speculated to boost his public opinion)

Well it seems Mel is out, and Liam Neeson is in.

Filmofilia quotes Director Todd Philips:

“I thought Mel would have been great in the movie and I had the full backing of Jeff Robinov and his team. But I realize filmmaking is a collaborative effort, and this decision ultimately did not have the full support of my entire cast and crew”

Now of course with the lack of denial from Zack Galifianakis about the wild speculation that his “deep protest” in the film was about Gibson’s participation, and then we get a statement like “did not have the full support of my entire cast and crew” just adds fuel to that flame.

After the dust settles we might find out the truth behind it all, but it seems there is no love for Mel here.

Time will tell.

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Rodney who has written 8299 posts on The Movie Blog

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20 Responses to “Liam Neeson Replaces Mel Gibson’s Cameo in Hangover 2”

  1. Mr. James says:

    When the original news came out that Mel was going to be doing a cameo in Hangover 2 as a tattoo artist I immediately remembered ANOTHER uncredited cameo he did in a movie called “Father’s Day” where he was a Body Piercer. I looked it up on IMDB and lo and behold, yep, he was in it. Look it up and you’ll see it on their listing as “Scott the Body Piercer”.

    Wonder if he had a scandal back then to recoup from as well?!

  2. knossis says:

    So I guess Mel’s being black listed. Too bad great actor, yeah his personal life is a bit crazy but hey who doesn’t have a crazy personal life or a few skeletons in the closet. If it is Galifianakis he should get off his high horse and get over himself. Give Mel a 2nd chance Hollywood. You may like some of the stuff he say’s when he’s drunk or crazy angry doesn’t mean you throw away the person. Man! this P.C. world we live in…

  3. Steven says:

    I don’t care if Mel isn’t in movies anymore, but can we still let him write and direct movies? They’re always so freaking awesome, and his next one is supposed to be a Viking movie.

  4. kingl says:

    Zach was probably upset cause Mel punches and yells at him in the sequel

  5. Dan says:

    I really hope it wasn’t just Zack that was against having Mel on set. Even though I think he’s funny and all Mel Gibson has contributed so much to our film history that he should have way more pull then Zack. Of course I understand Mel has always had a checkered personal life but that’s really none of our business and shouldn’t become an issue when deciding to make a 5 min cameo in a film about alcohol abuse.

  6. Ray says:

    I find it funny that they have a problem with Mel who while being a jerk and an ahole has not been convicted of anything yet.
    But Mike Tyson who is a convicted rapist and possibly a spousal abuser is okay in the first one.
    Sounds like a bunch of hypocrites to me

  7. Kevin says:

    Funny how nobody in the cast had a problem working with convicted rapist Mike Tyson in the first movie. Where was your righteous indignation then Zack.

    Shame on the producers and directors for backing down to them as well. this is why actors get an inflated sense of value. Seriously, what would he have done if you had not backed down. Walked off the set? Fine, sue his ass and tie him up in litigation. See how fast that slows down his rising star.

    Look, I understand his not wanting to work with the man. Gibson does not seem to be the kind of guy I would like to hang out with either, but this is a job. In the real world you don’t always get to pick and choose who you work with. If you only want to work with the people you want to work with, then start producing and staring in your own movies. Until then, suck it up and do your job.

  8. Kevin says:

    Word on the mike Tyson comment that is some hypocritical shit. I mean just cuz Gibson been havin some problems don’t mean anything everybody goes through rough patches. I mean who the hell does Zachary galifinskas think he is a fat bearded guy that’s been kinda funny in like three movies. Meanwhile Mel Gibson is a goddamn legend in Hollywood regardless of personal problems going on right now. I mean that’s riggs,mad max, braveheart etc. So when Zach becomes a Hollywood legend(which he won’t) than he can talk shit or complain till than keep you mouth shut.

  9. MADMAX_007 says:

    That’s because it’s okay to rape in Hollywood (Look up Victor Salva and Roman Polanski). But a couple of Jew hatin remarks will get you castrated in that town.

  10. Dirk S. says:

    Just because somebody’s made a few entertaining movies in their day, doesn’t excuse them from acts of bigotry; i don’t think it’s unreasonable for Zach or any other actors in the cast from objecting to working with him.

    As for the supposed hypocrisy of working with Mike Tyson, and not Mel: Zach et al weren’t really in a position career wise to object to casting decisions before the first movie came out. Now, things have changed, and they feel like exercising their newfound influence. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.

    I wouldn’t want to work with an anti-semite hack like Gibson either.

    • Rodney says:

      Tyson did his time and suffered his punishment. I see nothing wrong with giving someone a second chance who did his time.

      Polanski is still a rapist. He never did his time and I would protest being involved with anything he did.

      • Geno says:

        I think I would be more afraid of Tyson over Mel. Especially recently Tyson has gotten into good shape again.. Try calling him a rapist without getting your face punched in.. So if Iron Mike wants to be a film, please be my guest. I am a fan of Mel Gibson and it sucks that his personal life is geting the best of him. But it should be a reason to oust him especially in a comedy. Maybe his cameo would be funny and possible poking fun at himself? Hey if you can’t laugh at yourself right? I wonder what type of cameo Liam would do? Maybe look like Qui Gon? Or act like Aslan with a lion mask or something? Or maybe go to Bradley Coopers character and say “I worked with a guy who looked like you”.

  11. HDpunk says:

    i remember reading somewhere else that tiger woods was going to do “the cameo” for the hangover 2 & to me that sounds like a better idea than mel or Liam Neeson

  12. Chad says:

    Let me see if I’ve got this straight, in a poll I saw not too long ago, a majority said they hoped Tiger Woods managed to recover from his uhh, own scandal, & make a comeback with his Golfing. But Mel gets set up by a broad pushing his buttons & exploiting his issues with substance abuse so we’re just gonna crucify him?! Seriously? I’ve had married friends get into arguments that make what Mel spouted off sound like Mr. Rogers singing ‘Jesus loves me’. The only reason this is as much of a ‘scandal’ as it is is because we’re talking about Mel Gibson. And this calculating ‘broad’ I’m sure did absolutely nothing to incite his outburst & then just conveniently had a recording device handy when ol’ Mel pops his cork? Puh-leeze! Personally, if it comes down to see which recovers first from their own respective scandal, either Tiger or Mel? Put it this way; I could give a rats a$$ less about Tiger.

  13. J Cribbs says:

    Mel Gibson is too good for a generic comedy like The Hangover.

    • Rodney says:

      So a an admitted racist and sexist alcoholic is “too good” for the hottest comedy sensation of last year?

      I am thinking you might be in a minority there.

  14. DirkPower says:

    He thinks he’s a film star (he is) and that he’s one of the main draws of the film. I think his opinions are a little more valid then yours. And so many people dislike mel gibson right now, especially after those vile phonecalls, its too fresh in peoples minds.

  15. 420BAND says:

    One of the main draws, yeah BUT who decides if a 5 minute cameo by Mel (not gonna defend the guy)gets o.k.’d or not. the director, producer, or the Flash in the Pan token “Fat Guy” who’s taken up all the slack that Cris Farley left behind and Kevin James cant live up to. Grant it, his comedy is different and deadpan and seems fresh in todays comedy climate and I dont dislike the guy. But in a sequel to last years most overrated comedy the last thing that needs to be heard are quarrells on-set by Zack not “approving” of a pretty much meaningless cameo in a comedy.(if it’s true that this alledgedly happened) Thats all. nothin’ more nothin’ less dude.

    Opinions are like assholes : everyone’s got one : everybody knows one

  16. 420BAND says:

    And this stuff sounds like jibber jabber between 2 of them (a-holes)

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