Daft Punk’s Derezzed Tron Legacy Video

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 10. 2010in News Chat

Daft Punk is supplying the soundtrack for Tron Legacy and considering their electronica style they are a perfect fit.

Check out this teaser/music video featuring Daft Punk’s Derezzed with footage from the film.

Pretty awesome stuff. I love how their style fits in nicely without falling back on the 80s synth cheese fest. They updated the look and style of Tron while still keeping the movie looking true to the original and I think Daft Punk is doing the same with the soundtrack.

I can’t wait for this film!

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Rodney who has written 8314 posts on The Movie Blog

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7 Responses to “Daft Punk’s Derezzed Tron Legacy Video”

  1. Geno says:

    Movie looks so awesome I can’t wait. The new suits are tech geek sexy (isn’t that even a word?). The soundtrack sounds cool too, I hope the song that they use for the current trailer is in the soundtrack, would definately by it then.

  2. Art says:

    I’m sorry, but young Flynn looks so fake in every shot I’ve seen of him thus far, including in this video. He looks more fake than Magneto’s younger scenes on the 3rd X-Men movie. I’m very aware I’m looking at a CG Flynn.

    Still, I’m excited to see this and will undoubtedly be there for the inevitable midnight showing.

  3. Chris says:

    I think this is still more a trailer than a music video. Hope to hear moar stuff from Daft Punk

  4. Dirk Anger says:

    Most anticipated movie of the year of me. Can’t wait to see it.

  5. Dirk Anger says:

    for me. oops

  6. Wormboy says:

    I’m starting to measure my expectations. I still think the original teaser that was shown a comic-con a few years ago was the best thing we’ve seen from Tron 2. It was mysterious and off-beat.

    The movie seems to get sillier looking with every new glimpse. The whole ‘kid searching for his lost dad’ plot is lame emo garbage. The fact that we haven’t seen the women in the film do anything but vamp for the camera tells me this is going to play to the mouth-breathers.

    I don’t know, I guess I had hoped that Tron 2 would be the first big-budget Cyberpunk film, but it’s looking more like it’s going for geeky Wizard of Oz instead.

    • Rodney says:

      There are women fighters in the trailers, and Olivia Wilde is doing MUCH more than “vamp for the cameras”.

      Hedlund himself in a TV spot says that his character is basically her sidekick as she is showing him how to play the games.

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