Epic Fail: The Movie Coming Summer 2011

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 10. 2010in News Chat

With Jackass already enjoying its third round of success and no sign of them slowing down, is it any surprise that a copycat franchise is in the works?

Epic Fail The Movie promises to deliver a new film to theaters that will have 3 hours of embarassing and shocking video clips that have become known as “epic fails” online.

BuzzFeed offers:

Epic FAIL The Movie is coming to theatres in summer, 2012 with 100% original, unpublished FAILS… and it’ll be 3 Hours long.

Three hours of video “fail” content that hasn’t already circulated the YouTube/Failblog circuit? To test your endurance, they have compiled a three hour video called the 3 Hour Fail with many clips you have already seen online. The trailer for the 3 Hour Fail is here:

It is funny that I referred to the Jackass franchise as nothing more than elaborate youtube videos of people getting punched in the crotch, and thanks to the alarming success of Jackass, we are getting a rapid succession of youtube videos of people getting punched in the crotch.

I dont consider these “movies” or even “an experience”. I am not denying their entertainment value for some but aside from being chemically enhanced, I find little amusement with these films. I can only appreciate these gags in small doses. Someone spams a “neat video” of someone riding their bike off the roof of a house into a pool and people getting punted in the groin and I smile or cringe or offer whatever other appropriate reaction. But 3 hours of it?

I don’t think I would have that much tolerance for that.

Would you sit through 3 hours of this stuff? I might find about 10-15 minutes entertaining.

You can watch all 3 hours of their trial at 3 Hour Fail.com

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Rodney who has written 8281 posts on The Movie Blog

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10 Responses to “Epic Fail: The Movie Coming Summer 2011”

  1. DavidMX says:

    I think that this “movie” will bomb, because at least in the trailer i didn´t see a single video that i haven´t seen before on any website, viral email or tv show, in fact, the first one with the kid walking in a log was ubber famous here in México few years ago, even a cookies company did a remake of that video for a youtube ad with the same kid.

    Considering the nature of the material of the “movie” i presume that it will be the #1 title at the illegal download circuit.

    • Rodney says:

      As stated in the article, they are making a movie with all new and unseen content. The “test” video is a gimmick to see if you can tolerate 3 hours of this stuff.

      And yes, the test is made up of known stuff that has made the rounds already.

  2. Ryan3D says:

    they are going to try and make people pay to see that? ill just watch tosh.0. the movie titkle says it all it is 3 hours of fail.

  3. Ryan3D says:

    dont see how they can make a movie with never before seen content, unless they go out and film them selves, the internet is a big place and if its worth seeing it already has

    • Rodney says:

      It says on the website that they are accepting submissions for the film and likely one of the qualifiers is that you did not previously publish it on Youtube or anything like that.

      They are even offering profit sharing should they choose to use your footage.

  4. Wazabe says:

    Lol… The movie is a fail in itself.. As you have said, no one’s gonna watch some random clips for 3 hours. Fail moments are best enjoyed in a short manner of time.

    I’d rather watch clips from failblog, epicfail or youtube…

  5. mh17m3 says:

    horrible idea

  6. Jeremy K. says:

    I may be mistaken, as I have never been much of a youtube person, but weren’t the CKY videos floating around the internet before youtube was even popular or in existence? And then CKY spawned into jackass with some backing and added cast members? I remember seeing the CKY videos back in the mid 90s. If anything I would say youtube is more of a source for non-elaborate takes of jackass. :) Anyway, this project doesn’t sound that interesting. I like jackass, but I’ve been watching a portion of their crew since CKY1. I think the thing that jackass has is that you get to watch a group of friends(?) just having a good old time with each other, and it is the same people all the time. An attachment to the cast can thus be created. Just a bunch of short clips of random people that have no attachment to anybody else in any other of the clips and may only show up once leaves little to nothing to get attached to which makes it prime youtube video, but poor three hour theatrical release. Anyway, lots of pointless jabbering on my end, but its fun to write up a personal view every now and then. :)

  7. bernardg says:

    Couldn’t agree more w/ previous replies. Whoever have to sit and endure this so called movie will be epic fail too

  8. Shane says:

    In the famous words of Chev Chelios, “Are you fucking serious?”

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