13 Poster Online

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 10. 2010in News Chat

The remake of the Georgian film 13 Tzameti, simply titled 13 has its first domestic poster. I have been waiting for news about this, but was slapped in the ear after seeing this.

The remake will star Ray Winstone, Alexander Skarsgård, Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Michael Shannon, Sam Riley, David Zayas and Ben Gazzara. Pretty impressive right?

Oh… and 50 Cent. Slap.

Want to know how to ruin any anticipation of your adaptation of a critically acclaimed foreign language film?

Put 50 Cent on the poster like he matters.

I am so tired of this guy in movies. He is never good. I gave him a chance, and he is aweful. Say what you want about Mineral Water or his music career, but this guy is just not a good actor. He isn’t even showing those glimmers of hope that make you think he will be one of those exceptions to the rule.

And putting his name on top billing hurts more. The hope that he might play a minor role or a background thug character… nope. Top billing.

And honestly, if he wants us to take him seriously, he really has to start identifying himself with a name. You know, like when The Rock decided he was done with Wrestling and decided to become a real actor? He is no thespian, but at least he is doing a hell of a lot better than “fiddy”

I have heard so many good things about 13 Tzameti, and had hopes of it being translated well. But 50 Cent takes any anticipation away from it for me.


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Rodney who has written 8314 posts on The Movie Blog

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10 Responses to “13 Poster Online”

  1. Ty says:

    13 Tzameti is a GREAT film. Regarding 50 Cent, I doubt just cuz he has top billing that doesn’t mean he’ll be one of the players, and hopefully that’s all he is.

    I’m stoked about Jason Statham being in this, and am guessing he’ll be a player too. Hopefully it doesn’t get f***ed up, and retains it’s B&W roots. That’s what made the film so intense.


  2. 420BAND says:

    “Want to know how to ruin any anticipation of your adaptation of a critically acclaimed foreign language film?”

    Remake it in Hollywood.(IMO)

    my referance points:

    Let the right one in(Sweeden)- Let them in(USA) :Why?

    Nine Queens(Argentina)- Criminal (USA) : Criminal indeed!

    Just 2 examples but you get my drift, there’s more BTW

    • Jay E says:

      While the bad remakes definitely outnumber the good remakes, that doesn’t guarantee all foreign remakes are bad:

      Infernal Affairs -> The Departed
      La Jatee -> 12 Monkeys
      Insomnia (Norway) -> Insomnia
      The Seven Samurai -> The Magnificent Seven
      Yojimbo -> Fistful of Dollars

      And “Let Me In” was a good remake, just not a profitable one…

  3. MADMAX_007 says:

    50 Cent does matter… not so much as an important character to the plot/story of this movie (IDK havent seen it but i’m takin a wild guess here), but as a MARKETING DEVICE. I bet you more people on this planet will recognize 50 Cent’s name on this poster more than the other names.

    • Rodney says:

      If someone recognizes 50Cent before they recognize Statham or Rourke, they need to graduate from highschool.

      • Ty says:

        Usually I would argue with you, Rodney…

        But this isn’t exactly the kind of film aimed at teens and middle schoolers. That being said, as Rodney said.. if the target audience (bleh, Adults ages 22-33) recognizes fiddy before Statham or Rourke - which, they might anyways, considering The Expendables and Iron Man 2 - then yeah, they have issues.

  4. Art says:

    eeehhh… I dunno… This kinda makes the film lose some credibility in my eyes. 50 Cent? How can I take a movie as enthralling as 13 Tzameti serious with 50 Cent in it? Not sure what they’re going for here. I have a feeling the intensity and suspense that made the original so good is gonna go out the door in favor of Hollywood special effects and a “big name” cast.

  5. joe C says:

    i was playing a triva pursuit with my family one time and a question about 50 cent after we had gone through the question and answer my mom comes around and goes “you know 50 cent is a good actor”…..i never felt more like slapping mom more then ever there

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