Summit to Produce Twilight Spinoff?

Posted by Rodneyon 07. 09. 2010in News Chat

A wild rumour is coming out of the Summit camp that they are considering spinning off the Twilight franchise and adapting The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner into a feature film.

Cinematical reports:

There’s already a rumor going around about a big screen adaptation of the Twilight novella The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner in the works at Summit. What’s Playing is reporting that an insider emailed, “It goes without saying Summit want to continue this franchise… Tanner is the one they’re looking at post-Breaking Dawn… It’s too early to talk casting, and everything we’re hearing is just speculation or off a wish list, but I don’t believe they plan on using the original actress, Jodelle Ferland, for the spin-off film.

Not like the fans of this series have any surprises left, but this side story that was made into a novella delves into the background of the baby vampire who wants to defect from Victoria’s Army but gets murdered by the Volturi anyways.

With Summit double dipping that epilogue of a fourth book into two films its pretty clear that they are not afraid of beating the crap out of this dead horse until its a bleeding mess of pulp. There’s money in that pulp, I swear. Its under that other pulp over there. Go look.

Twilight has already run its course and the side story with The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner just tapping that vein before they finish it all off, they are desperate for another source of income.

There are some really interesting concepts presented in Twilight that have taken a back seat to emo teen romance. If they are going to continue this franchise, I would prefer that they at least step up the supernatural and lay off the romance.

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Rodney who has written 8053 posts on The Movie Blog

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5 Responses to “Summit to Produce Twilight Spinoff?”

  1. Ty says:

    Well considering there isn’t much romance in the spin-off story, I would imagine that’s the only real area they can explore other themes.

  2. darren j seeley says:

    I say….sure, why not. If you have a well, get as much water from it as you can, then dry it up to the last drop. Why should you be different from any other studio with a franchise?

  3. GL says:

    @Darren, this is an ignorant comment to make in my opinion. You know why you shouldn’t dry up the well? Because then there is no more water, and you die of thirst. The point is, of course “Twilight” sucks, and pretty much has no dignity when it comes to film making and acting, but at least have some heart and understand that it’s done. Delve into other genres and projects. If this film comes to be, I doubt people will go see it. Half of the franchise relies on Patterson’s star fame. Let’s all be honest here.

    • Rodney says:

      Darren’s comment was not ignorant at all. The well will go dry on its own as something like Twilight is a fad that wont last. They need to get every last drop out while they still have it.

      And Twilight was already insanely popular in its demographic before Robert Pattinson was a heartthrob. Pattinson was in Harry Potter and girls were not swooning over him then. It is the character he represents that is giving him his boost in fame. Twilight made Pattinson… not the other way around.

  4. Karl says:

    Twilight made Summit Entertainment; of course they will milk it for all its worth.

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