Star Wars 3D is Coming

Posted by on 29. 09. 2010in Headlines, News Chat

There are two hot buttons that will get polarized results from any avid movie fan. Any talk of 3D, and George Lucas re-releasing Star Wars. So of course, Lucas is re-releasing them in 3D. Just to piss you off.

With the current trend of 3D showing no signs of going away, Lucas is jumping on the bandwagon to bring you his Star Wars films in 3D.

IGN Reports:

Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox are planning a relaunch of the six Star Wars films beginning in early 2012. One film would be released in that same timeframe per year, starting with The Phantom Menace.

It is a solid business plan. They intend to release the movies in theaters for 3D audiences, and then take the profits from each of those films to convert the next one.

So from 2012 through approximately 2018 we will get 3D versions of the two Trilogies.

George Lucas re-releasing his films has pretty much become a tradition now. It’s no longer a question of “if” he will bring them back out again, but a question of when. As a Star Wars fan (yes, I still love them despite the flaws) I am really eager to see each of these in 3D. I do think that the Prequel Trilogy will lend itself better to 3D, but they will all look incredible. Maybe Han will shoot first in 3d.

Now I know there will be groans and complaints about 3D in general, and continued crying about Lucas re-re-re-re-releasing his films. But I guarantee these movies will do well at the Boxoffice, and sell tons on retail shelves.

If these things are so hated, then why do they perform so well? Who is buying these if no one wants them?

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26 Responses to “Star Wars 3D is Coming”

  1. Alexis Lopez says:

    Jar Jar in 3D………T.T

  2. Steven says:

    “If these things are so hated, then why do they perform so well? Who is buying these if no one wants them?”

    The same reason movies like “Epic Movie” are #1 at the box office: the world is full of bloody idiots.

    I remember when the original trilogy was re-released in theatres, I think, 10 years ago. I went to see all the films then; it was really neat and original, I’d never seen the films at the theatre before. But I, for one, won’t go to see this. I’m sure converting a 35-year-old film to 3D will look terrible, and it’s just not needed.

    And how many DVD releases will we get? The Original Trilogy in 3D; The Trilogy with Extended Scenes in 3D; The Trilogy with Extended Scenes and Those Deleted Scenes We “Found” After 35 Years…in 3D.

    • Steve says:

      What you actually saw was the digitaly re-mastered versions with added effects. even the upcoming bluray releases, the original trilogy will be the re-mastered versions. sadly I dont believe the original versions that were released to VHS/Laserdisc will ever be seen on dvd/bluray

  3. Buck Rogers says:

    You are forgetting one thing… the world comes to an end 12-12-2012. So, knowone will be left to enjoy it.

    George Lucas milks Star Wars again, and again, and again

  4. Danny says:

    Question is there a DVD box set of all six movies available somewhere now? It seems when I look for one I only come across separate box sets of the trilogies.

    • Brad says:

      None currently exist that I know of, but come on. It’s George Lucas. You know it’s going to happen eventually. They will include some “new footage” or re-re-re-remaster it or something. Maybe they’ll release all 6 3D versions in a boxed set.

  5. Josh B says:

    “Lucas is jumping on the bandwagon to bring you his Star Wars films in 3D.”

    I wouldn’t say he is jumping on the bandwagon. He’s been talking about converting them to 3D since around the time Ep. III came out. He wanted to wait until the technology was right and the it was worth the price to convert them.

    I for one am very excited to finally see the CG Yoda introduced to The Phantom Menace on the big screen.

    And to all those who collectively groaned when this was announced…no one is making you see these movies.

  6. darren j seeley says:

    If Lucas really wanted to piss people off, he’d put the 3D movies out on DVD/Blu-Ray in 2018 (or whatever “new format” should replacce our current collection) and no longer have the current reds available. Then the childhood memories of those around when eps 1-III were originally released will weep in thier beds.


    Seriously, I have no problem with this. In fact, I think it might be interesting to see the TIE fighter battle with the Flacon in 3D. The rebel fighters attacking in the Death Star trenches? That has strong potential too.

    As for Jar-Jar, he was already in 3D. We just didn’t know it at the time…

  7. JackB says:

    Oh man. Im gonna be almost 40 in 2018..

  8. smack diddle jizle says:

    i seen all six in theatres and will see all six in 3D again

  9. Lawrence says:

    This is gonna be so awesome… thank you George Lucas for planning this.

  10. jason presti says:

    SO let me get this straight…
    George Lucas, the man who practically pioneered special effects and created ILM the premiere effects house is going to use Post-Process 3D on the Star Wars movies, a technology that has added absolutely NOTHING to modern filmmaking!

    George Lucas has now become a lazy, money-grubbing hack who follows other filmmakers fads?! WTF?!

    After the travesty that was Clash of the Titans and The Last Airbender post process 3D he has the nerve to do the same?! Hell, Pirahna 3D was actually shot for 3D and its post-process 3D was just OK.

    I guess George Lucas is now happy for his films to just be OK. Hey George, please just scrap all this and use that vast empire of yours to do something original and produce a new original Star Wars movie shot in REAL3D.
    We know you have the money, the people, and the resources. I know you are too old and tired to do EVERYTHING on another film but you have an army of talented people who have been working on Star Wars for DECADES! USE THEM!
    It’s time to pass on the Star Wars franchise to your proteges and step back into a consulting, overseeing role.

    Either Let Star Wars move forward into a new era or end it now!

    • Rodney says:

      “a technology that has added absolutely NOTHING to modern filmmaking!”

      Purely your opinion.

      Everything else you say in this comment stems from that assumption which despite your feelings on the topic is hyperbole and is entirely inaccurate.

      Post 3d has the same potential to look like filmed in 3d. It just usually doesn’t.

      And in case you haven’t noticed, Lucas DID do something new with his “Empire” and the TV shows and hundreds of novels all being produced to expand the Star Wars property are not stopping.

      Again. Hyperbole.

      Only Sith speak in absolutes.

    • darren j seeley says:

      “George Lucas is a hack producer/director!”

      I have heard that for many years now, even before the release of Phantom Menance. I suppose it is logical that he can’t please everyone, but just for once, just once, can we be honest with ourselves?

      Yes, he is a hack, a very rich hack, and this hack owns one of the biggest successful franchises in the history of mankind. If I were in George Lucas’ shoes? I would be proud to be called a hack. I would wear it like a badge.

      I’m of this mindset: for better or for worse, Lucas takes his franchise and while some will complain about “ruining” the memories of my generation, isn’t Lucas also helping to create new memories for this one and the one to come?

      As for 3D tech not adding anything, I could not disagree more. Let’s state an obvious criticism (and a fair one) regarding the use of 3D- that being taking a 2D film and converting it. We have had at least two bad examples of it in this past year - Alice In Wonderland and Clash Of The Titans.

      Now let’s say some clever fellow creates or helps create a new advancement that would make a 2D to 3D process more smoother, even if it is by a small percentage. Wouldn’t that be considered an advancement in film technology?

      • Rodney says:

        Lucas is a brilliant storyteller and visionary businessman. He should have people developed his vision for him instead of directing it himself.

        I don’t blame him for wanting to be that involved with his own franchises, but he had to recognize his limitations.

      • jason presti says:

        I appreciate your comments but let’s get things straight here guys, i will be addressing both of your comments here:

        First, i was NOT commenting on 3D movie tech as a whole but post process 3D so please dont misquote me again.
        So YOU sir are making the assumption that George Lucas is going to invent a new type of Post Process 3D in 18months even though he has said NOTHING about that anywhere!

        Second, it is my belief and i stated it here. I was basing my statements off the evidence of the prior post-process 3D films released to date.

        Also, if you actually think that post process 3D on films that were NEVER filmed with 3D in mind can equal films that were shot in REAL3D with 3D in mind from inception than you Sir are smoking some of the best Crack EVER!!!

        Also since this site is called the MOVIE BLOG, i was specifically speaking about the Star Wars movie franchise, NOT the videogames, novels, ect. which many die-hard Star Wars fans do not even acknowledge as “canon”…
        …And NO, 4 episodes of the Clone Wars animated series edited together does NOT constitute an actual “movie” to me.

        Darrin, i can see your point about making new memories for a new generation, however i know a lot of young people who have ONLY seen the prequel movies and they are not Star Wars fans at all and really see nothing special about it.

        Look, I am normally not in the “Lucas raped my youth camp”, I just feel that Star Wars is at a turning point here and I would like Lucas to decide the future of the Star Wars MOVIE franchise. I personally feel that he has employed a TON of great and talented people at Lucasfilm who could take over the franchise and produce some original Star Wars movies with him overseeing and consulting.
        He can’t do everything anymore and he deserves to sit back, relax, and show the world how great the people he has mentored and trained are and what they can do.

  11. Joshua says:

    unlike everyone else in this world…i am holding off judgement on this until i see something…if it is a good quality conversion then im fine with it but if it ends up being Clash of the Titans all over again than i will watch the first one and be done with it.

  12. party marty says:

    Will he resist tinkering with the effects again though. I doubt he will convert the 2004 versions without altering the effect to be more 3D friendly, like yet another update of CGI jabba that will date badly in two years. I can already see a new meme called ‘Greedo shoots the audience first’.

  13. 420BAND says:

    Clash of the Titans was not only a bad 3D conversion, it was a Bad movie! I’d rather watch the original with all its faults over that waste of 2 hours I saw.

    They chopped that thing up so bad it made “Wolfman”(2009) look like a good movie!

    As for this, You guys know your gonna see it anyways like all of us.

    so stop it already.

    Lucas has limitations like everybody else, BUT the dude created StarWars and that shit will live on forever, Just like Stan Lee’s Spiderman!……..Thank God for that!

  14. ThePeter says:

    I will not be going back to watch them in the theatre in 3D, nor will i buy them on DVD. I’ll keep my money, thank you very much.

  15. ed says:

    “I don’t blame him for wanting to be that involved with his own franchises, but he had to recognize his limitations.”

    This got me thinking, maybe its very far-fetched (is that how you pronounce it?) but what would be better if the prequels where re-done? with another writer and director, GL would still produce it.

    its just wishful thinking i know

  16. Kapes says:

    Thanks for posting! I will see them all no problem - the only tough thing I see about all this is the LONE WAIT for Episode VI and the famous run of the Millennium Falcon through the Death Star! That will be worth the wait!

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