Star Trek 2 Hints

Posted by Franciscoon 13. 09. 2010in News Chat

Star Trek writers are working hard on the sequel’s first draft. J.J. Abrams, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman didn’t give much information regarding ST2 in a SFX magazine interview. They just gave some hints…

CinemaBlend reports: was nice enough to post a few excerpts from the “extensive” article in SFX and Abrams had this to say about the upcoming follow up:

The universe that Roddenberry created was so vast. And so it’s hard to say there’s one particular thing that stands out as what the sequel must be. Which is on the one hand, a great opportunity. On the other hand it’s the greatest challenge – where do you go? What do you focus on? But I’m incredibly excited about the prospects.

Writing duo Kurtzman and Orci give a few hints about where they’re looking in the aforementioned vast universe of Gene Roddenberry.
Kurtzman: Starting at a premise of what you want to see and then working a story around it is not how we do it. You have to start with what is the right story. And that if you can say “That’s a story that Khan fits into”, that’s how you get to that. Not deciding on a menu list of items and then seeing if you can’t string them all together.

Roberto Orci goes on to talk about the temptation of stuffing a film full of what audiences will want to see simply for the sake of likability and how they are trying to make a likable film that feels full without cramming everything in at once.

These guys have a tough job on their hands. Yes, the first one was awesome, and made them tons of money. The basically revived a dying franchise. But, how do they follow up that? Should they revisit old characters and past stories? Or should they come up with something entirely new? This is going to be debatable long after the movie is made and release. I believe they should do something entirely new. We’ll see.

What do you guys think? New version of old stuff? Or new stuff completely?

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Francisco who has written 212 posts on The Movie Blog

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20 Responses to “Star Trek 2 Hints”

  1. Rodney says:


    New new new new new.

    I don’t want to see old characters re-hashed. They kicked the timeline into another direction so why not go new?

  2. Jason says:

    All new.

    No more time travel, a few of the Trek movies have had some kind of time travel.


    • Rodney says:

      I can’t see them every using Shatner, but if they do it will just be in a recording or something that Spock hung on to.

      Other than that, this timeline has no Shatner in it at all. By the time the character is old enough to appear as Shatner’s Kirk, Shat will be too old for the role.

      That being said, Time Travel is what got us this awesome reboot, so I wont dismiss it entirely, but they have already done that a few times. No need to do it again.

  3. slalomski says:

    I think they should write new stories featuring completely new characters as they did in the first film. It would still be interesting to always have a character like Khan intersect a new story in a lesser role.

  4. Mike V Banno says:

    It sounds like they want to use Khan but not in the same kind of way that he’d already been used. The best thing about this new universe is that you CAN have new characters, but you can also reuse old characters in NEW ways.

  5. fullmetal_medji says:

    New. It would be cool to see Kahn, but you have to take risks and go into new directions.

  6. GL says:

    It would be cool for them to create new characters. But I am sure the die hard fans wouldn’t mind seeing old faces. Maybe the idea of using the old character but for new purposes isn’t so bad after all.

  7. Steve0 says:

    There’s no much potential for new stories. The aftermath of incidents w/in the first movie alone should open wide doors for new stories, like Vulcan’s destruction would cause a vaccuum of power w/in the Federation that could be heavily exploited by Klingons or Romulans or some other new threat. Why not go that route?

    Rehashing Khan, as much fun as that may sound, could end up disasterous if he’s not protrayed as many wish him to be. I’d also see it as a cop out/cheat going the easy way for a story rather than coming up with something new.

  8. 420BAND says:


  9. Indiana Jones' Brother says:

    This comment is old…. but NEW!!! Yes stick with new ideas. Create new iconic characters and stories. They already payed their respects with the first one so let loose and go wild with the creativity. We’ve said our goodbyes to the old Trek. Now stand up on your own two feet. You can do it!

  10. Ram says:

    A brand new kirk would need a brand new khan. If times like a ripple then the smallest change could change the biggest events. I would love to see a brand new Khan one that makes the throwback Khan look like a little bitch.

  11. darren j seeley says:

    New story. New characters.

    First of all…let’s talk Khan. Re-introducing Khan would be remaking the episode ‘Space Seed’. No, come to think of it, that’s exactly what it would be. I would rather see/hear something new. In fact, and I think I said this before… the best bet is to forward the story three years in Stardate. The ST:OS was on for three; there is two years of mission we have never seen in live action. It is essentially an untapped goldmine.

    The only characters from past ST lore other than main crew I would not mind is Sarek, Dr. Carol Marcus, Nurse Chapel, the Q continuum/ Guardian Of Forever (if only to put a philosophical question to Spock regarding Vulcan*)…or any one of the Klingon Generals.

    THAT’S IT.
    MOVE ON.

    Let’s have a new adventure.

  12. giantguy1321 says:

    I agree new is good, but I still would like to see some of the original aliens placed in this new setting.

    Even in this timeline the earth is still situated in the same area of space as many other well loved species. Can you imagine the look on Kirk’s mug when faced with an Andorian, Ferengi or Klingon.

    Some new designs would be good too though and it should be interesting to see what they come up with.

  13. Raven_Reactor says:


    This isnt a TOTALLY new sci-fi, its STAR TREK. Its a NEW star trek, but star trek non the less.

    Have the old and the new. What if the changes in hitory have resulted in Khan becomming an ally rather then a villain against a greater threat…

    What if the BORG appeared earlier than before, more archaic and less advanced before they because what we know… What if something WHIPS THEM OUT? What if they assimilate the Klingons? The two classic star trek enemies together?

    My point is YES they need to move forward, but they have an opertunity here to play with the mythos in fun and exciting ways as they do…


  14. Matt says:

    New stories please. No Khan…none of that nonsense. Let’s boldly go where no man has gone before.

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