Saw 3D Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 10. 09. 2010in News Chat

I was never a fan of the Saw series, but I can see its popularity. This final chapter promises to tie up all the loose ends of the plot and bring the series to a close in gorey 3d detail.

Check out the trailer.

I hope for the fans that this is a satisfying end.

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Rodney who has written 8070 posts on The Movie Blog

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5 Responses to “Saw 3D Trailer Online”

  1. Sabrina says:

    I thought the first movie was interesting, it was a new type of horror movie, and a smart one as well. After that it all went downhill.. I saw 3 movies too many… now I refuse to even watch this trailer, but, apparently there are still people out there that can enjoy a movie like this…and Hostel…and The Human Centipede…

    • Ty says:

      There are a crap load of people who can enjoy movies like this, including myself. IMO, The Descent (2205) was a ridiculously mediocre horror film… but I would watch it any day over Cinderella Man or Gone With the Wind, which I found to be boring dramas.

      I thought Five Easy Pieces was one of the worst movies I’d ever seen, yet found Dr. Zhivago to be a masterpiece.

      My point is that it’s all relative, and that there will always be an audience for every genre (I hate romantic comedies - I feel the same way about them that you do about the latest batch of horror).

      That all being said^^ I’m extremely stoked for this final SAW. I’ll be honest, I hated SAW V (filler, omg)… and SAW VI was a tiny bit better, but not by much. This trailer was wayyyy better than the original one, but I gotta admit that I’m not feeling the In-Your-Face 3D of the trailer with the hand popping out of the screen. Nonetheless, I will be seeing this while wearing my SAW shirt.

  2. 420BAND says:

    That chick in the Purple Dress was waaaay too hot to Kill!

    I think the HardCore “Fanatics” of this series would actually like to get strapped in and feel the pain on screen like in this trailer..

    (I say go for it!)

  3. Ty says:

    Now that I watched the trailer again, it looks like Cary Ewles has a flashback scene going on - it showed him in the same clothes as in the first film, crawling on the ground.

    Such a waste of a story opportunity. Playing the SAW videogame, they’re alluding the crap out of Dr. Gordon. Kinda neat, really.

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