Reynolds will do RIPD or Deadpool - Not likely Both

Posted by Rodneyon 21. 09. 2010in Headlines, News Chat

With Ryan Reynolds rapidly filling dance card, he was asked during an interview about his current film Buried that once Green Lantern was in the books would he hit up RIPD or Deadpool next. His answer is not what fans wanted to hear.

io9 quotes:

Neither [is] next. I shoot a movie called The Change-Up next. It’s kind of like an R-rated comedy, and right after that I start on a thriller called Safe House with Denzel Washington. And then, after that is where one of those two movies will hopefully fall.

But you don’t know which one yet?

People sort of ask this question, like I have any say in the matter. They’re both movies I’m interested in, they’re both movies that are in fast-track development. But I never say I’m doing a movie until I break for lunch the first day. Because it’s such a crapshoot, this industry. Everything’s so fickle and so contingent on so many factors, aside from just an actor. And because it has an actor, and because these films have interested directors, it’s obviously likely that they’ll both get made. But I think it would be more likely that only one of them gets made with me.

I was worried something like this was going to happen.

This guy’s plate is just a little too full. Like the chubby guy at the all-you-can-eat buffet who doesn’t seem to grasp the concept that you can come back and get more food.

Something has to give. RIPD looks like a great concept, but if he has to sacrifice one for the other I hope he doesn’t do that one, and does Deadpool. He was perfect as Wade Wilson and would be a perfect Deadpool.

If he doesn’t do Deadpool, I worry about the guy they DO pick for the role. That guy is going to have some really funny and charming shoes to fill.

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Rodney who has written 8136 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “Reynolds will do RIPD or Deadpool - Not likely Both”

  1. Jeff says:

    What is RIPD?

    • Rodney says:

      Zombie cop film.

      A recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for the Rest in Peace Department and tries to find the man who murdered him. Based on the comic by Peter M. Lenkov.

      • Ty says:

        I was going to ask the same question, but now I remember you (or another writer) mentioning it pretty quickly in a different article.

  2. Bigsampson says:

    He will do Deadpool you can bank on it. The comic has a huge fanbase and the role was tailored to van wilder for sure….oh and DISNEY.

  3. darren j seeley says:

    “If he doesn’t do Deadpool, I worry about the guy they DO pick for the role. That guy is going to have some really funny and charming shoes to fill.”

    I’m not really sold on your opinion, Rodney. I would (as anyone) love to see Reynolds be in the Deadpool film. But seeing how the character was practically a cameo (and then a totally different character) I wouldn’t consider the shoes too big.

  4. Anti-Septic says:

    Just like everyone else I to wish Ryan can make room for the Deadpool film.

    Not sure whats going to happen if Green Lantern is a success, I imagine that will be fast-tracked ahead of everything else if so.

  5. Jon says:

    i may commit hari kari if he doesn’t do Deadpool! my favorite comic character (for around 8 years, not just when he became popular) and my favorite actor (also have thought he was the cat’s ass since two guys and a girl) coming together was almost too cool. i’ll be crossing my fingers and writing letters to my senator!

  6. 420BAND says:

    I really dont give a shit if it’s him really, Would it be nice-yes….But really, I’m not gonna jump off a bridge. We dont even know if it’s gonna get made anyway.

    And for the whole I wish “Robert Rodriguez would direct it”

    Rod-mans a cool guy, has cool stuff in his movies, gets cool people, has pretty cool action scenes. BUT I think his directing chops is on par w/ Kevin Smiths. Not a very good or inspired director at all, just average.

    Have they made cool movies(both) SHIT YEAH! But I dont think giving him a Superhero flick is top priority.

    Machete was fun bad cinema at it’s best as was Planet terror but his directing leaves something to be desired. IMO

    • 420BAND says:

      And Hanging out W/ Quentin Tarantino hasn’t rubbed off on him.
      (in other words hasn’t made him a better director)

      Quentins arguably the real deal in comparison!

      • jimbo.747 says:

        I semi disagree when it comes to rodriguez. I think when it comes to Super Hero flicks yeah talent as a director matters but mainly passion.

        You could make the case that Rodriguez is far more accomplished and ready for a super hero flick than John Favreau ever was but his passion won the studio over and he has made a couple of pretty good flicks i think and hope the same would be true for Rodriquez.

  7. BamKazaam says:

    i hope he gets Deadpool :)

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