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September 20, 2010

New Legends of the Guardians Clip Online

— Posted by Rodney

A new clip is online featuring the visuals of The Legends of the Guardians.

Check it out.

Now no matter how technically superior and visually stunning this film looks I just can’t get into a movie about a pile of REAL looking owls doing unreal things. It just pushes the extremes too far apart.

Don’t get me wrong, the effects and techniquies in this film look utterly amazing. Its the story and plot that I just can’t get into.

How do these owls MAKE helmets? It hurts my brainmeats.

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This is absolutely the most visually stunning piece of animated work I have ever seen. The director Zack Snyder did a great job on the film. But it was like he was constricted due to the fact that this was supposed to be a family movie. I've heard it said, this really isn't a kids movie and this isn't really an adults movie. I have a couple of suggestions that would really help this otherwise exemplary piece of work as well as any sequels that may be in the works. The first thing is, it would have been great if the movie would have been a bit longer. An extra half hour would have worked wonders for character and plot development. You don't need to worry about kids sitting still for two hours with a story that's interesting. Secondly, Just about every movie in existence, that has been produced now days, has an extended, unrated, non theatrical version on the DVD. The action scenes could be a lot more detailed and graphic in such a version. I'm not sure who to contact with this, so I'm going to post this to a few of the major blogs out there and hope there is someone listening that can get these suggestions to those that really matter and can put them into action.

Will they make a part 2 to this movie?? Will cludd be the next metalbeak?

Sometimes Rodney, you just really irk me. Damn you for having such a great blog. How do owls make helmets? I don't now. How do they get into peoples dreams in Inception? You never really get answers, you just go with it. Did you question how Ariel in the Little Mermaid can breathe underwater and on land? Or why she didn't instantly die from the pressure at the bottom of the sea when she first turned into a human? No. It is what it is. Just go with it. I think this clip is so lovely, there's such a magic to it. 100% seeing this one when it's out.

What did you think about Rats that cook. And toys that talk and move. and cars that talk. etc etc etc. I havent read the story but from the trialer i figured that the ones with the helmets werent even real. Just a story one of the young ones believed in. You know just a legend.

Anthropormorphic animation is not the issue. The issue is that they present these owls as very real very normal looking owls with every limitation that a real owl would have physically. Perhaps if the helmet thing is a visual interpretation of the fantasy, then it makes a little more sense. But I still havent seen anything from the trailers or promos that make me want to see this other than the visuals.

What abt Tom and Jerry? or Pink Panther? lol....

The examples you offer are where they have taken animal characters and given them things like opposable thumbs or walking upright. They have humanized the animal characters, and it allows you to accept them doing human things. These owls are not humanized outside of facial expressions and voice.

maybe they have the armoured bears from Golden Compass make the helmets for them?

Maybe, but at least in that world they could have humans that do it for them. This has no people in it from what I can see. Its all about the Owls.