My Name is Bruce Sequel to be The Expendables of Horror?

Posted by Rodneyon 08. 09. 2010in News Chat

Expendables hit a giant nostalgia button this summer and may well have revived - even briefly - the type of action flicks we loved in the 80s. And now that Bruce Campbell is considering a sequel to My Name is Bruce, he wants to make it the Expendables of Horror.

Geeks of Doom quotes the Chin:

Yeah, “The Expendables,” or more like the “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World” of horror. I want to get so many horror movie stars that people can’t possibly not see the movie. I want to give them other stuff to do. I want to have Kane Hodder be very particular about what he eats. I want Robert Englund to be a tough guy, like he knows tae kwon do or something. I want to find out the hidden sides of all these people. Some will play themselves, some will play alternate characters as well. I may approach Kane Hodder to play Frankenstein. He could be Kane Hodder himself fighting himself as Frankenstein. It could be crazy. It’s a silly concocted story that we hope to do maybe in a year or so.

My breaks between “Burn Notice” have been getting tighter because they’ve been adding episodes. They’re trying to trap me like a rat in the TV world, and I might just let them. There’s a script, it just kind of blows right now, so no one’s really seeing it. We gotta work on it. Definitely shoot in Oregon all on a stage. It’s like the “300″ of horror comedies. We want to make it a whole world. Someone’s gotta take Frank down for good.

I think it is a great idea for someone like Bruce Campbell to call in all these iconic character actors of the genre in a film that spoofs and continues his tongue in cheek style of horror comedy.

Bring it on!

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Rodney who has written 8053 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “My Name is Bruce Sequel to be The Expendables of Horror?”

  1. Danny says:

    How in the world could he fit Chucky into such a movie?

  2. JimmyBoots says:

    Why not finally have Freddy vs Jason vs Ash? That would be awesome.

  3. smack diddle jizle says:

    Kane Hodder is the man who wears a custom macheteman

    whoop whoop

  4. Ryan3D says:

    Mr. Bruce “My name isnt Ash” Campbell is by far the best actor ever, i see in his future a life time achievement award or something, Bruce you good sir are my hero

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