Liam Neeson joins Battleship

Posted by Rodneyon 08. 09. 2010in News Chat

Battleship is taking the classic Hasbro board game and making it into something it never was. A story. And now joining the mixed bag cast of actors and popstars is Liam Neeson!

FlickCast says:

Neeson will be playing Admiral Shane, a Naval officer whose daughter is engaged to the film’s main protagonist, Alex Hopper, who is played by Taylor Kitsch (X-men Origins:Wolverine).
Neeson’s daughter will be played by relative unknown Brooklyn Decker, who had guest appearances on television shows including Chuck and Ugly Betty. Alexander Skarsgaard (True Blood) plays Kitsch’s older brother, and R&B songstress Rihanna is making her acting debut as she plays Kitsch’s crew mate and a weapons specialist. Tom Arnold will also be part of the cast, but no news on what his role will entail.

I praised the studio behind Battleship because they will have to come up with an original story just to tie in the Hasbro board game that lacks one completely, but its been a rollercoaster of news ever since.

Popstar Rhianna will make her acting debut here in what appears to be a throwaway role, but Alexander Skarsgaard and Taylor Kitsch are in it too. There is some potential there. Then Tom Arnold is attached and we have no idea in what capacity (he hasn’t impressed me since True Lies) and now Liam Neeson is attached.

This could be a lot of fun or a complete train wreck.

At least we can look forward to a new version of the game on store shelves that will inevitably portray Alien vessels VS US Navy Vessels instead of just the traditional Red vs Blue.

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Rodney who has written 8053 posts on The Movie Blog

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3 Responses to “Liam Neeson joins Battleship”

  1. jimbo.747 says:

    Rodney i agree with everything you’ve said with the exception of Tom Arnold admittedly he played pretty much the same role he has played time and time again but i did like him in Exit Wounds as the Morning man with Anger management issues.

    the thing that scares me the most about Battleship is if it works (ie makes money) what else will they make. Guess Who,scrabble, Mahjong, Trivial Pursuit or even Risk jeez really!!!!! Come on hollywood.

    • Rodney says:

      I actually applaud them for making a Battleship movie. While everyone seems to be crying wolf on the lack of originality, this REQUIRES an original script because the board game doesn’t have a story.

      Its just smart marketing that they attached the original script to a board game to build buzz. People wouldnt care less about another military vs alien movie, but everyone is saying “did you hear they are making a movie about Battleship? The Board Game??”

      Its genius.

      • jimbo.747 says:

        I agree its a ingenious marketing plan and the need for an original script puts it above your standard movies based on video games and other existing properties.

        However I think its has dangerous implications, we are getting to the point where for a movie to get made some form of brand recognition is needed. In 10 years, 20 years, even a fabulous script that has no existing brand wont be made because its not commercially viable. Why would you make a movie about these people we have never heard of when we can make a movie about the latest widget/ board game that we know people will go and see. This is not the first time its happened and wont be the last I just hope above hope that this does not become the norm.

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