Josh Brolin didn’t like Jonah Hex Either

Posted by Rodneyon 10. 09. 2010in News Chat

Even with casting Megan Fox in the film, Jonah Hex looked to have a lot of potential. Then we saw the first trailer and all anticipation went out the window.

Now long after the film has tucked its tail from the theaters, Josh Brolin is coming forward with some advice that might help the DVD release next month.

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“We had an original intention and that got away from us a little bit,” he explained. “Everybody did do their best to try and create the best movie with what we had, but I think it got so derailed at a certain point that the assemblage of what we could use was so disconnected to what our original intention was that it just got mixed up.”

He continued: “That’s what I told the marketing people at Warner Bros. I said, ‘I can’t lie about this, so I have to look for a truism that I can go with. I do think that if you go in there kind of like with ‘Piranha 3-D’ — when you go to see that movie you go, ‘This is ridiculous and this is fun’ — so if you went into ‘Jonah Hex’ with that, I think you had a good time.”

So Brolin is offering a too little too late word of advice that if you go into the movie expecting it to be sensationalism trash, you will like it?

That’s a little weak and sounds like squirming. After the $47million film raked in $10million.

I just wonder what this might have been like if Neveldine and Taylor’s original vision was used and didn’t “get away from them”

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Rodney who has written 8070 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “Josh Brolin didn’t like Jonah Hex Either”

  1. Anti-Septic says:

    That’s a shame, I had such high hopes for this movie. I think everyone was expecting the director to channel some old Clint Eastwood into this film, instead we got sensationalized crap. Not sure where the blame lies for this film, guess it doesnt matter now huh?

    • darren j seeley says:

      Who’s to blame?
      See the credits on the one sheet.

      That - and the WB excecs behind the scenes- have to answer to the Man. The filmmakers have found out a hard lesson. Now it’s time for a few execs to walk the plank…

  2. darren j seeley says:

    Actually, I wonder what it would if it had been like if they:

    - dumped N/T altogether;

    - dumped Megan Fox;

    - dropped the idiotic supernatural themes (which I never warmed up when the character was re-tooled in the comics anyway—sorry Rodney, but that sucked then, it sucks the yolk out of chicken eggs)

    - fired the director the moment he chose to not only hire Miss Fox, not only keep the supernatural angle, but allow a heavy metal score in a western.;

    - fired the director the moment he chose to not only hire Miss Fox, not only keep the supernatural angle, but allow a heavy metal score in a western, and decide to have the “comic book opening” and lousy voice over.

    Then they camped it up, made people suffer for 80 some minutes. I expect to hear from the film again…at the Razzies. You know, whenever we hear of a success or a mild success concering a comics prpprty, that “reboot” word is tossed around a lot. This needs one, but it’s already over.

    It was a dud.
    They went out to make dud.

    I’m sorry, Rodney—-they went out to make a stupid , stupid, stupid movie. There is no excuse for this. none. In past years, executives would find themselves out of a job for a blunder like this. STARTING with that overrated duo Neveldine anf Taylor. Continuing with the director of Horton Hears A Who or whatever it was, followed by MEGAN FOX who is the worst mainstream actress I have ever seen in my life. I thought it was on the right path w/ hiring Malcovich and Michael Shannon, but when Fox was signed on, my heart sank. When it hit the floor it make that recent hurricane sound like a pindrop. Why is Fox there? Tits and ass. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s time to kick her off the planet with or without her hempbag.

    The plug should have been pulled or it should have went straight to video. Or they should have switched gears, and kicked Fox’s hemp stash to the curb, knowing damn well she can’t act and only there to be a cliched sexpot. It should have been a better movie alright.

    And to Brolin: you’re a good actor. But when you and other actors see red flags going up around you, say something then. As dumb as this film is (and I’m just as dumb for giving it my time, 80 minutes aside) if the film did a 180 and it was a hit, would you really say what you said? HELL NO.

  3. David Lopan says:

    The director is a main blame in this case. The movie was shot to look like a rap metal music video, the pacing was waaay off, and I’m sorry…but Brolin and Malkovich are outstanding actors…and when you can’t muster a decent acting performance from them? There is something wrong with you and your directing talents. Ultimately, it’s also the studio’s fault for saving money on picking a shit script and a director that’s cheap (clearly)…I wonder where the 44 Million went? I doubt that the cast’s salaries were that much. Also, whoever’s idea it was to hire Fox is clearly not understanding of the fact that anything she’s done besides Transformers is garbage and flop material. Transformers’ success isn’t even gauged on her “star power”. Poor management from the get go.

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