I’m Still Here - Trailer

Posted by Danon 09. 09. 2010in News Chat

For those of you who remember last year when Joaquin Pheonix suddenly became a muttering mess on the David Letterman show and other interviews. It quickly came to our attention that Casey Affleck and Joaquin Pheonix were working on some kind of mockumentary where Joaquin quits acting to pursue a ridiculous career as a rapper. As rumors and debates spread across the net about if it was a mockumentary or if Joaquin Pheonix was rapidly heading towards rock bottom. Then things suddenly went silent. For the longest time the only new information coming from this project was a youtube video where Joaquin is seen rapping on stage at a club then falling off of the stage.
Now we have a Trailer for the film ‘I’m Still Here’ and a funny clip where P-Diddy is straight up with Joaquin.
Check the videos out, I’m very excited to watch this film despite the disgusting part where Joaquin supposedly gets pooped on.

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Dan who has written 63 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “I’m Still Here - Trailer”

  1. pplp says:

    hahah its hilarious the way the end bit sounds like some sort of drug transaction about to go down

    diddy: “you got any money?”
    phx: “how much you need?”
    diddy: “how much you got”
    phx: [giggle]

    the giggle he makes is classic

  2. Jeremy says:

    Have Joaquin Phoenix and Zach Galifinakis ever been seen in the same place together?

    Seriously though, this looks like it will be funny on a Borat level, or just sad.

  3. 420BAND says:

    I still miss River Phoenix……

    This guy is hard to peg down, at first I thought he was a flash in the pan(To Die For), then I thought he was kind of a hack(Buffalo Soldiers), then I saw a little movie called “We Own The Night” and thought he rocked it. and changed my opinion of him, then he does this and falls off stage.


    now I’m confused

  4. Ty says:

    I loved him in Gladiator and Ladder 49 (almost cried, but then again I was 14), and thought he did alright in Signs… so this kinda bums me out, the whole rapping deal..

    But I think I’ll be checking it out, maybe just DVD though.

  5. Soggie G. says:

    This seems like it’s obviously a publicity stunt (A well played one at that). I watched the interviews from before and after this transition and after watching the bottom video it seems obvious that he’s trying to play everyone into thinking he’s fallen. If he was so camera shy on Letterman than why is he normal with all the camera guys standing around him…

  6. vargas says:

    That second video with Puffy was hilarious!

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