Guggenheim talks Green Lantern and The Flash

Posted by Rodneyon 09. 09. 2010in News Chat

its about time that WB and DC would get their act together and actually get some movement on their film properties. Marc Guggenheim now talks about the Green Lantern movies (planned as a trilogy) and says he has turned in a treatment for The Flash.

MoviesOnline quotes Guggenheim:

“We’ve turned in the treatment for Flash,” Guggenheim said of the movie, which will be based on the DC Comics speedster. “And we’re talking about Green Lantern 2.”

“When Greg Berlanti originally pitched the movie to Warner Bros., he pitched three movies. So there’s always been, and he’s said this publicly, that there’s always been enough story for a trilogy,” Guggenheim said. “The scope of the character and the character’s world requires that. But we’re really just focusing on the treatment for Green Lantern 2.”

“And I know that everyone involved in the production of the movie is just focusing on completing the first film,” he added.

Little more than the treatment exists for the Flash so we are not going to learn that much about it just yet. Not even a suggestion of a star, but I hope they get Neil Patrick Harris. Just sayin.

But as for Green Lantern, WB is eager to pre-occupy Reynolds for the forseeable future, this isn’t stopping him from making other movies. Sounds like any Marvel related films - specifically Deadpool seem to be counterproductive to their brand, and in their interests to interfere with.

It is encouraging to see that they have a plan instead of scampering to sequel something they planned as a complete story.

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Rodney who has written 8070 posts on The Movie Blog

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16 Responses to “Guggenheim talks Green Lantern and The Flash”

  1. Philipo says:

    I think it would be a really smart move to include a cameo of Superman (with a different suit from SR - not different colours but maybe not all the little S’s/with a redesigned big S) to begin to tie into the Superman Reboot. Not only would this tell audiences to prepare for something different but it would also show that the reboot of Supes would be a part of the GL + Flash universe, building up to a Justice League movie eventually and/or those characters to appear in each others movies (how cool would that be!).

    The only problem would be sorting Batman out as the Nolanverse simply doesn’t have any room for anyone as fantastical as GL or Flash and especially Supes. But by the time the Superman Reboot/The Flash/GL2 have appeared, a solution to Batman may have come about.

    Whatcha guys think?

    • Rodney says:

      I dont see why Superman cant exist in Nolans Batman universe. They exist in the comics together, and nothing in Batman suggests Superman is impossible, just that they haven’t encountered any true superpowered villains. There are terrorists and bank robbers and regular technology in Superman’s world too.

      Keeping them separate but still in the same world makes sense, but I don’t see why people cant wrap their heads around that.

      • party marty says:

        Nolan is quoted as saying that even the Penguin would be difficult to fit into his version of Batman. If the Jokers green skin has to be explained as make up, what would they have to do to justify a flying alien with heat vision? I definately cant see him in Nolans universe and wouldnt want to. I think when Nolan has brought his trilogy to a close I would like to see a Batman akin to the arkham asylum game, with a more fantastical stylised feel, in which other DC caharacters can co-exist.

      • Rodney says:

        The Penguin is no more unbelievable than any other villain already presented.

        And they dont have to justify a flying alien with heat vision. Simply saying he is an alien opens the doors of psuedo reality already. Joker’s skin as makeup was a choice. Even in Burton’s Batman it was a chemical reaction that stripped pigment from his skin.

        Batman can co-exist with Superman even if Batman is only dealing with villains on his own paygrade.

      • 420BAND says:

        oh-ohh, not this discussion/argument again about Nolans “Sacred” Batman and Supes…

        Why not mimic/mirror Marvel and do the same?

        Cause there behind the 8 ball already

    • Rob D. says:

      Nolan did change the supernatural element of Ras al Ghul to fit in his vision of the Batman Universe. By making it as real as possible. Sorta say that this story could actually happen. I can see why Nolan and others wouldn’t want to see Superman in that universe.

      That said, I agree with Rodney. I think they absolutely could bring Superman into that universe. I may change the overall outlook of realism, but if done right it can be believable. They would just have to kick Batmans superior intellect and wonderful toys up a notch.

      After all this is the best version in my opinon, of Batman. I would like to see it, or atleast an exact copy of it in the JLA universe.

      • isaiah says:

        or maybe in the next batman movie they could show an article about superman in the daily planet headlining hoax or reality, since they’re planning on rebooting the supes franchise, that could be his intro into this whole entanglement, not sure if anyone feels the same but maybe it could work

  2. Philipo says:

    It would also confirm who they are going to pick to play Supes again - stop this Routh/Welling debarkle once and for all! (Routh all the way IMO).

    I’m saying this about Superman because I had heard that they were possibly going to put The Flash into GL, but I think that Supes would also be a great idea.

  3. Tripp Van Easille says:

    A Supes cameo in GL would be freaking awesome! Also hoping to see them give Routh another go with a different script approach. Make it so!

  4. Leif Erikson says:

    I don’t care who cameos who’s movie
    but please stop calling him superman “supes”.

  5. BobaFett says:

    Let;s not put the cart before the horse. Get the GL movie done, and then make decisions based on that. Not that I think GL will go the way of Jonah Hex, but if the first one isn’t quite the hit they anticipate all of this discussion will really drag down the business if not the entire studio. Remember that unlike the Marvel comics which are licensed to different studios, ALL of the DC properties belong to WB.

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