First Look at Chris Evans as Captain America

Posted by Rodneyon 09. 09. 2010in Headlines, News Chat

We finally get our first look at Chris Evans’ Captain America costume (its actually his stuntman) we so far have only seen concept images of, and so far I have to say I just LOVE the look of this film.

Check out the on set images including some almost steampunk looking Nazi gear too.

Love that he isn’t in a spandex outfit, and that the costume looks like a decorated version of the traditional uniform. I wonder what the costume will look like when its updated after he is revived in modern day to lead The Avengers?


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Rodney who has written 8070 posts on The Movie Blog

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26 Responses to “First Look at Chris Evans as Captain America”

  1. Lawrence says:

    Ugh… He looks like Reb Brown in that old Captain America TV movie back in the late 1970s.

  2. Mr. James says:

    If you look closely at the guy in the suit I’m guessing this is Chris Evan’s STUNT DOUBLE. The guy looks maybe 10 years older and 25 or 30 pounds heavier. Look at the sagging chin and the big chubby cheeks in the pic when he’s standing there smiling. Great to see the SUIT in action though and the other vehicle props moving in action.

  3. Chris says:

    I thought for a second that this was the Captain America from the 90s

  4. JV says:

    C’mon people, before the pitch forks lets keep in mind that this is a stunt man suit. Meaning that we will only see a blur of this when it hits the big screen. Evans suit will look better than this. Remember stunt people are supposed to have loose prototypes of actual costumes so that they can do their job and not get killed in the process. Technically we’re not supposed to see this.

  5. Lawrence says:

    We’ll see how this pans out. Hope it will be good as advertised.

  6. Joe says:

    Why is there a six pack painted on the suit.

  7. Solus777 says:

    Zach Braff Is Captain America! LoL
    Stunt Double 100%

  8. Francisco says:

    Looks good for now. It’s the stunt man guys…let’s take it easy, and wait to see how it turns out on film…

  9. Kevin says:

    The futuristic bikes with the guys on them
    pic is the hydra organization. The uniforms their wearing have the
    countence red skull on them and on the other side the hydra logo(on the sleeves of the uniform).

  10. 420BAND says:

    So far so good, Stuntman Mike looks pretty cool, the real deal should deliver fine.

    BUT that Director………………..

    Just sayin’

  11. Derbmeister says:

    Rodney, Francisco must have forgot to send you the memo about incorporating the first look as a cleavage shot in the headline.

  12. 420BAND says:

    One more observation, Didnt he have a badge like shield in the WW2 days?

    Dont know of coarse, were they are in the story at this point of the photos..

    just sayin’

  13. ThePeter says:

    Looks pretty interesting.

  14. kiyo says:

    Hopefully in the finished version we won’t be able to tell this is the older, heavier version of evans (weird that they didn’t get someone whose physique resembled his more, the differences are very blatant). Aside from that, it’s looking pretty epic.

  15. Art says:

    The car DOES look cool! Very Steampunk! The motorcycles in the last picture, however, look stupid. They look like something out of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

  16. Josh says:

    im glad that this is a stuntman and not the actual costume that chris evans will wear…it looks terrible.

    • Rodney says:

      The stuntman IS wearing the costume Evans will wear.

    • 420BAND says:

      I think they nailed the WW2 costume fine!, Evans’ will be more detailed or movie ready (if that makes sense) and then we’ll probally get the Avengers/Modern-day Cap suit at the end-I’m cool w/that. Just dont add all kinds of black to the suit like on certain Marvel Select figures!I want the standard Red White and Blue one (w/a touch of modern) that’s been around forever.

      that’s what I wanna see

  17. 420BAND says:

    Helmet HAS wings!…….YES!!!!!

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