Eminem is NOT Batman 3s Riddler

Posted by Rodneyon 06. 09. 2010in News Chat

What would easily be spotted as an April Fools gag suddenly made internet rumour over the weekend and while my brain long rejected it, I am still getting emails this morning telling me about the casting and asking me how I feel about Eminem officially being cast as the Riddler in Batman 3.

He is not.

GossipCop clears the air:

This rumor tore up the internet over the weekend, but it’s already been denied. No, rapper Eminem will not be playing the Riddler, and he denied even so much as having had expressing interest in the part

I wasn’t even going to comment on this ludicrous rumour but my inbox is flooded with people hoping to be the ones who tipped me off to this amazing news.

Amazing that you thought for one second that Nolan would have cast this non-actor in the role while names like Joseph Godon Levitt are in that same hat.

Did no one notice that the NATIONAL ENQUIRER was the source of this rumour?

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Rodney who has written 8061 posts on The Movie Blog

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10 Responses to “Eminem is NOT Batman 3s Riddler”

  1. Kelly Nash says:

    You mean to tell me that the National Enquirer doesn’t publish reliable news? ‘Gasp’
    Not to offend anyone who believed this rumor… but come on, really?

  2. kingl says:

    that’s almost as funny as him being cast as Paladin in the big screen adaption of Have Gun-Will Travel

  3. Gene czech says:

    He was amazing in 8 mile.

  4. Geno says:

    Who in their right mind would believe would be casted as The Riddler? Well I guess it’s called gossip for a reason.

  5. Asher says:

    As crazy as the rumor seems to me, I could almost see him in a riddler outfit ha. Em comes from a sick past maybe he could channel that? Maybe the joker would have been a better fit haha

    Ha but it is crazy Nolan would never cast a non-actor in a role, especially one as important as the riddler. In Nolan I trust whatever his decision.

    • Rodney says:

      If Nolan ever did cast Eminem in the role, and it was official? People would be climbing up his ass to praise him on the decision.

      Its amazing how much trust people have in him. He hasn’t let me down yet, but I don’t trust him that blindly. If he cast Eminem I would more be wondering what bet he lost.

  6. darren j seeley says:

    Well, the rumor could have been KeShia as Vicki Vale and Kim KardASSian as Catwoman, so hey, even bad rumors could have been worse.

    Besides, I’m coming around….I’m favoring Joseph G Lovitt too. if Riddler/Ed Nygma shows up. We should be hearing something soon regarding who’s who.

  7. Brandon says:

    I would have been interested to see him try but yeah it’s far fetched. Not real excited about the other names I’ve heard so far just personal opinion.

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