Cameron To Film Seven Miles Underwater For Avatar 2

Posted by Franciscoon 20. 09. 2010in News Chat

We last wrote about how Avatar 2 possibly will have a 2014 release date. Besides possibly shooting part 1 and 2 back to back, and both being shot in 3D, why would making the next one take so much time? Director James Cameron is raising the bar once again, he’s aiming to shoot seven miles underwater for the sequel. I think that’s another big reason for taking such a long time. Don’t you?

IGN reports:

According to The Daily Mail, the Oscar-winning director aims to voyage to the bottom of the sea — seven miles below sea level — to film parts of Avatar 2. Cameron reportedly plans on shooting sequences at the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench east of the Philippines, the deepest known point in the world’s oceans.

The paper says Cameron “has commissioned a bespoke submarine, built of high-tech, man-made composite materials and powered by electric motors, which will be capable of surviving the tremendous pressures at a depth of seven miles, from which he will shoot 3D footage that may be incorporated in Avatar’s sequel.” Cameron has previously said that Avatar 2 will explore the oceans and exotic sea life of the alien world Pandora.

The Mail says the “precise design of this submersible is unclear, but it is likely that it will resemble the $4 million Deep Flight Challenger commissioned by the [late] American aviator and explorer Steve Fossett in 2007.”

That’s just insane. Cameron does know how to raise the bar. I can just imagine the underwater footage being just gorgeous and amazing. Add to that the characters swimming and any action scenes underwater, and we all know that Avatar 2 is going to be incredible. Cameron is no slacker, I’ll give him that. But, as much as I know Cameron will make the action and set pieces breathtaking, I’m more focused in seeing what he delivers with the story. Personally he was really lazy with the first one - “Pocahontas in Pandora”.

What do you guys think of this? You looking forward to watching this underwater footage? What would you like to see in Avatar 2 and 3? What possible story arcs do you think Cameron will go for?

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Francisco who has written 255 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Cameron To Film Seven Miles Underwater For Avatar 2”

  1. Bigsampson says:

    Sounds AMAZING!

  2. matty says:

    James Cameron is insane ….. and we are all the better for it =D

  3. AndyS says:

    Well since it’s pitch black down there I don’t really get the point. Scenes with a spotlight or night vision aren’t really that great to look at.

    • BMar says:

      I completely agree with you AndyS. This is the first thing that raced through my mind as I read this. How on earth do they plan on making this look “Avatar-amazing” in a place where you can’t see your thumb from your elbow without massive amounts of artificial lighting. Artificial lighting = not so good special effects quality.

  4. fullmetal_medji says:

    Cameron needs to hire a good screenwriter. Then we can get a great story along with great visuals.

  5. Mr. James says:

    Maybe he’ll plunder another Disney movie and go with a version of The Little Mermaid. No, wait a minute…he kind of did that already when he had Jake join the Navi culture. Just like Ariel joining the human world! SHOOT! Never mind, the sequel’s plot will suck just as bad as the first.

  6. Ty says:

    Maybe it will be an underwater romantic comedy where the hopeless good-looking geek has a crush on a hottie (who is, of course, dating the most popular… fish (?) in the ocean, but he’s a jerk boyfriend). Eventually, through some random chance of “fate” (hollywood) they end up talking.. girl begins to like guy.. fish boyfriend gets jealous and somehow ruins the guy’s chances, about an hour into the movie (putting him at square one again)… and then the guy pulls off some incredible feat, gets the girl, discredits the fish boyfriend (now just ‘fish’), and somehow saves the underwater world!

    …I guess the the chick’s into beastiality. That’s hot.

  7. Pedro says:

    So it will be “The Abyss” on Pandora? He managed to make that without going 7 miles under the sea, I don’t see the point.

    And as others have mentioned it’s pitch black down there, he could easily do it the way he did The Abyss without going to all that bother, and still make it look good.

  8. 420BAND says:

    Let Sir James do what he’s gotta do, then you can line up at the theatre pay up the 14 bucks, put on the glasses, cream your pants, then go back and watch it again sayin’ it wasn’t that great.

    then buy the dvd/blu ray.

    it’s easier

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