Big Tits Zombie Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 21. 09. 2010in News Chat

You know what there is a lack of lately? Zombie movies crossed with Sexploitation.

And as if on queue… we have a trailer for Big Tits Zombie!

Wait. Is there a plot to this or is it just sexy busty asian strippers fighting zombies? No, that’s all it is. And I am ok with that. Does it need to be anything more? Right, its also in 3d. But not new fancy 3d - its Oldschool red and blue 3d!

Looks terrible. I can’t wait.


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Rodney who has written 8136 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Big Tits Zombie Trailer Online”

  1. Mike V Banno says:

    This is a movie that knows what it is and obviously takes itself seriously in that reguard, but at the same time it obviously doesn’t take itself seriously at all. Like I said, it takes itself seriously in the fact that it knows it’s a campy fun filled movie, and it doesn’t, in the fact that it’s obviously not gonna try to be anything it’s not.

    Fun times. Coincidentially one of the girls looks like she’s the one girl from OneChanbara.

  2. Bigsampson says:

    No excuse this is crap…if you want to obtain a better effect then this invest in Dead Rising 2 and type in tentacle porn in google and play…better IMO then this horrible POS home video.

  3. Ty says:

    I wonder which “select theaters”.

  4. Anti-Septic says:

    I would watch this after a half bottle of rum, heck I would watch just about anything after a half bottle of rum. Who am I kidding? lol

    I wouldnt pay to see in theater, but a home rental why not?

  5. Mike Mai says:

    sora aoi is hawt!

  6. BamKazaam says:

    Looks terrible. I can’t wait. best line ever.

  7. bernardg says:

    hot big busty asian chick battling zombie and monster? I’m sold!

  8. EZELL says:

    Did that just happen?

  9. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, wow…

    Looks awful…gonna snag it up and watch it with some of my bros ASAP. ;P

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