Auschwitz Teaser Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 08. 09. 2010in News Chat

Uwe Boll is a lot of things. Fearless, cocky, confident and bulletproof. No matter how much crap that peaks at mediocre the guy puts out he still gets movies made. His public presence is amusing as all hell, calling Speilberg and Michael Bay hacks in the same sentence, challenging journalists to a boxing match etc.

But this takes the cake. His latest film is called Auschwitz, and you guessed it. It deals with the inhuman and brutal torture and murder of concentration camp prisoners during World War 2. The teaser trailer is an excercize in humanity as your stomach turns to the soundtrack of desperate hands pounding against the metal door of a gas chamber.

This is not for the faint of heart.

Twitchfilm quoted Boll in regards to this film:

“It’s in the tradition of my movies Stoic, Darfur, Rampage, Tunnelrats, Heart of America… it shows Auschwitz as this what it was: a meatplant for humans… a death factory.”

Now I go to movies to be entertained. Sometimes a tragic story can bring depth and understanding to the human condition.

But seriously Boll. Did you not have ENOUGH contraversy associated with your name. I once regarded Boll as one of the most entertaining directors out there (the person, not his work) but this just seems like attention grabbing.

Is there meaning and depth to this film or did you do it just to put the top hat and monicle on your tortured reputation?

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Rodney who has written 8053 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Auschwitz Teaser Trailer Online”

  1. kielpedia says:

    in the words of my good friend John Hammond, “I really hate that man”

  2. robert says:

    I have to agree with you, Rodney, this does seem like attention grabbing, only because Uwe is in the damn teaser himself playing a solider who’s in charge of making sure that door stays locked. If there was another actor in place, then I would think differently. But it really seems he what’s you to think about him, when you think of these horrific images in the trailer.

  3. BIGSAMPSON says:

    I don’t see nothing wrong with it if I didn’t know who Boll was. He fits the part of a gaurd and this is a big subject no matter how you look at it. I understand your negative opinion of him but your hate for him is always present when you talk about Boll. I fee; the same way about all the Saw movies and so on…yet the flack for those movies went away fast.

    • michael says:

      It depends how tactfully this is done. This has a lot of potential to turn into a ‘torture porn’ movie with the true story element bashed in. I’d wait to see the final product but the trailer has put me off but a movie about genocide should put you off. I won’t be seeing it but it’s always worth giving the benefit of the soubt (we could probably make uwe bowl an exception at this point…)

      • Bigsampson says:

        If it is torture porn then I think there needs to be some outside criticizm* directed to this guy. If it is him just trying to do something like Spielberg then I will give him the benefit for trying. As for the scene I watched in the trailer it looked like some real shit imo.

  4. Danny says:

    Wow if this is just an attention grab and not an attempt at a serious movie the given the subject matter this will not end well for him. Obviously the Holucaust is a serious subject (and a sore one for lots of people for good reason). If this comes across as an attempt to use the deaths of millions of people to solely boost his own career I will say in advance he deserves what he gets short of physical violence.

    I didn’t even know that was Boll himself in the trailer until I started reading the comments (and its not like he’s the first director to give himself a small role in a movie). If it didn’t have the Stench of Boll on it I’m sure this would be better received.

  5. Ryan3D says:

    yeah i see this movie going no where fast might as well through this whole filf in the fire with that little boy, sick fucks.

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