The Walking Dead - Trailer

Posted by Danon 24. 08. 2010in News Chat

Now I don’t know whose been as excited for this trailer to debut as much as me but it is finally here! For those of you not aware The Walking Dead is an amazing Comic book series written and created by Robert Kirkman. It follows the story of a shot in the line of fire police officer named Rick who wakes up from a coma in an abandoned hospital. He quickly realizes something is askew when he searches the hospital just to find zombies looking for a bite to eat. He then takes off on a journey to find his wife and son Carl to not only get some answers but also to protect them from whatever the world has turned into.
This is one of my favorite comic book series and I can only hope that the TV show adaption is at least half as good as the books were.

This is one of my favorite comic book series and I can only hope that the TV show adaption is at least half as good as the books were. I have nothing to complain about from the trailer, the entire thing was filled with scenes directly from the books even though I don’t remember Rick actually getting into a tank just walked by one.

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Dan who has written 58 posts on The Movie Blog

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18 Responses to “The Walking Dead - Trailer”

  1. Josh B says:

    When I first watched this my palms actually started to sweat. It hits all the right buttons for me.

  2. Wispy says:

    Slightly annoyed this is a US only trailer…. :(

  3. NoLa says:

    I’m excited because the guy playing Rick starred in the English show Teachers which used to be my favourite program.

  4. Geno says:

    I have never read the comics but have heard about them, don’t they stay shacked in a prison? But does look good, friggin zombies man, friggin zombies.

    • riggs says:

      yes but that is around 30 issues in (i think?) i think they said either at the end of the next season (if it gets renewed) is that they find the prison. Hopefully they can expand upon the universe or the characters themselves because you can read through the comics in like 3 days and get caught up.

  5. Liyo says:

    I love zombie movies but god know I really hate slow-moving zombies.

    • Dirk says:

      Well, you obviously no nothing of your history, because slow zombies are the only kind of zombies. The people who run fast are not zombies, they are infected people. YOu can’t change history. Zombies don’t run. It’s that simple.

    • MADMAX_007 says:

      I agree with you Liyo that the slow-moving, retarded zombies in movies aren’t really all that horrifying and also sort of boring adversaries (unless in really Really HUGE numbers). I mean remember how that black guy took out like 4 zombies bare-handed in the 1990 Night of the Living Dead remake? IMO one fast-moving, smart “infected”, as most of y’all call ‘em, is 10 times scarier than a “real” zombie. That’s why I think the 28 whatever Later movies were horror masterpieces in comparison to the slow-moving zombie, Romero-type movies that came before them.

      So how would you zombie fanatics categorize the zombies in Resident Evil? They move slow but yet they are infected by a virus…. Half-breeds maybe??? IDK

  6. BIGLEX76 says:

    So far from the trailer it seems to me that they’re following the first book… everyone I have ever given the book to read has instantly become addicted (up to 5 non comic reading people in my office).
    Go pic up the first book if you don’t know anything about this… I promise after the first book you won’t be able to put it down and the show seems to be staying somewhat true to the book… what are you waiting for?!?!?! GO BUY THE FIRST BOOK!

  7. Bigsampson says:

    Man people are going to be impressed with how this show will play out if they keep the time spacing how it was in the comic. Literally people you think who are going to make it are killed in the most crazy moments of pandemonium. Cam’t wait for Michonne and the crazy zombie arena town! OMG I CANT WAIT FOR SEASON 2 AND 3!!!!! AND SEASON ONE HASNT STARTED@!!


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