Superman - Saving Families Since 1938

Posted by on 04. 08. 2010in News Chat

We currently live in a fragile time for new and small businesses. With the recession affecting multiple families, I’ve gotten used to seeing depressing closure signs on store windows thanking customers and the community for the support given despite having to close anyways.

So when you hear about an inspiring story like this one it paints a permanent smile on my face that will take some time to fade.

A family kept anonymous for obvious reasons went through the same troubles stated above. A widowed woman decided to head down to the bank to get a second mortgage on her inherited home, to pursue a dream of owning and running her very own business. Sadly, the dream was short lived for the woman ran behind in her payments towards the mortgage which lead to the bank sending over repo men (not Forrest Whittaker and Jude Law) to take the things from the family that now belonged to the bank including their home which had been in the family for over sixty years.

Understanding their horrible and depressing situation the family begun to pack their belongings and say goodbye to their families home. When the woman came across an old box filled with comic books, which contained mostly comics valued at $10 - $30 a piece. As they went through them they found one that was different from the rest, a comic from 1938 which showed the first appearance of Superman. The comic was valued at $250,000 minimum which ultimately saved the family from foreclosure.

So what did we learn in class today? Everyone should block off a few hours of their day this week to go through all their old junk and see if you maybe contain something of high value. Sadly for me all I found was a bunch of melted army men.

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5 Responses to “Superman - Saving Families Since 1938”

  1. kingl says:

    So Lex Luthor was behind the foreclosure and Superman saved the day? Cool!

  2. DavidMX says:

    I really like this kind of stories, very touching, i only hope that this story dont became a “Hallmark movie”.

    BTW, now i have a good reason to keep my comics and magazines from childhood… and teenage. lol

  3. Matthew says:

    Superman rules!

  4. Anti-Septic says:

    I read about this a few days ago or more, such a touching story. Really happy for the family after the ordeal they have been through so it sounds like they really deserved a bit of good luck and fortune.

    Superman, saves the day again!

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