Star Trek 2 Taking A Cue From The Dark Knight

Posted by Franciscoon 25. 08. 2010in News Chat

Back from his long vacation, writer Damon Lindelof is diving hard on working on the Star Trek sequel, now that Lost has ended. During a pre-Emmy festivity he talked a little about what the team is trying to accomplish for the sequel.

CinemaBlend reports:

E! caught up with the co-creator of Lost, who is currently working with Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman on the sequel to J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek reboot, and while he compared the film to Nolan’s second Batman adventure, it was in the sense that it went beyond the genre it was trapped in.
“We’re looking at a movie like The Dark Knight, which went one step beyond Batman Begins. It was really about something, and at the same time it was a superhero movie. We don’t want to abandon all the things that made the first movie work and have it be fun and emotional, but we also really want the movie to thematically resonate.”

I totally understand what he’s trying to say, and it seems ok. As long as they don’t try to imitate the whole “dark” feel of The Dark Knight, it’s ok. Please don’t try to make the cinematography and music all dark - that’s what I mean. The Dark Knight is The Dark Knight; it’s Batman’s world. Star Trek is Star Trek, in space etc. I’m interested as to what they come up with. They’ve got a really good team of writers for this franchise, so I expect an awesome plot.

Do you think the sequel should go “dark”? Do you think it should transcend the Sci-Fi genre? Why? Who do you want to be the villain?

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Francisco who has written 183 posts on The Movie Blog

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5 Responses to “Star Trek 2 Taking A Cue From The Dark Knight”

  1. Terry says:

    Well, I don’t remotely see that he’s saying they’re going to go ‘dark’. You’re reacting like he said they are, and he only said that they want it to thematically resonate. As you point out, the theme of The Batman is dark vigilantism. The theme of Star Trek is high-octane action with a healthy dose of humour and humanity. They did go ‘dark’ for Star Trek with the new movie, after all - destroying Vulcan? That’s pretty ‘dark’ if you ask me.

  2. vaibhav says:

    Great man.

  3. Luchismo says:

    Also, space is really dark, so the theme is already there. Just saying.

  4. Lawrence says:

    I think Lindelof just wants to emulate Chris Nolan’s film making style. Not necessarily copying The Dark Knight, but trying to elevate Star Trek to an entirely new level.

  5. darren j seeley says:

    I recall one of the TNG movies where all the lights were turned off on The enterprise-D? Perhaps Kirk’s upgraded Enterprise also has a power outage?
    I agree with the comments above; but that’s usually the best stuff Trek is remembered for, isn’t it? Sci-fi adventure and discovery with hints of social issues?

    What does “dark” really mean, anyway? Someone dies? Someone with a red shirt, perhaps?


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