Review: The Other Guys

Posted by Rodneyon 09. 08. 2010in Headlines, News Chat, Reviews

Thanks for checking out our The Other Guys Review

Genre: Action Comedy
Directed by:
Staring: Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes, Michael Keaton, Steve Coogan, Ray Stevenson, Samuel L Jackson, Dwayne Johnson, Rob Riggle, Damon Wayans Jr
Released: August 6, 2010


Terry Hoitz’s past mistakes in the line of duty and Allen Gamble’s reluctance to take risks have landed them the roles of the “Other Guys”, disgraced New York City police detectives relegated to filling out paperwork for cocky hero cops Danson and Highsmith. The mismatched duo must look past their differences when they take on a high-profile investigation of shady capitalist David Ershon and attempt to fill the shoes of the notoriously reckless officers they idolize.


Its pretty clear right off the start that this is directed by the same guy who did Anchorman. Adam McKay’s stamp is all over this with wildly random one-step-too-far comedy. It also takes some cues of the two lead’s relationships from Step Brothers which works great too.

Will Ferrell is his standard Ferrell over the top caricature of the gullible reserved desk cop. He isn’t playing the same personality but its all Ferrel’s style. Its good if you enjoy him, which I try not to - but find myself digging it every time. And Eva Mendez? Could that be any hotter? She isn’t in the movie much, but when she is, the room gets a little warmer.

The chemistry between Walberg’s psuedo confidence and Ferrel’s super reserved makes this film work. These two bantering back and forth is half the laughs.

While you really want to be watching a balls out action cop movie that seems to be going on in the background with Samuel L Jackson and Dwayne Johnson’s characters, this takes a funny look at when the supercops are out of the picture. Creative angle on the buddy cop genre.


The action is good if a bit implausible, and while I was very amused with a lot of the film, there were only a few actual laugh out loud moments. A comedy’s primary purpose, no matter how it does it is to make me laugh. This did, just not all the time.


This movie derserves to be ranked among Step Brothers and Anchorman, but as it seems to borrow a lot of themes from both, it appropriately would fit right in the middle as far as my favourite McKay Ferrell team up. Walhberg is a nice addition and works well in this.

As far as throwbacks to 80s buddy cop genres and having fun with it, I wished that Cop Out was more like this.

I give The Other Guys a 8 out of 10

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Rodney who has written 8106 posts on The Movie Blog

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7 Responses to “Review: The Other Guys”

  1. Matt says:

    Great movie! Cast was very decent, maybe we’ll see a comeback from Michael Keaton, thought he did a good job in this one. Good review.

  2. Jason says:

    This movie wasn’t nearly as funny as I had been led to believe going in. Even though the trailers left me wanting, the reviews had me thinking my faith in the parties involved would be rewarded with more hilarity in the actual film. It’s certainly a rung or two below Anchorman, and above Step Brothers, and along the same lines as Talladega Nights. Bottom line, A LOT of the jokes fell flat, too many actually.

  3. Blake says:

    Absolutely loved this one. Not a great movie, but I thought it was full of laughs. It reminded me very much of seeing Step Brothers in theaters and laughing about every 3-4 minutes at something new. Seeing Wahlberg in this role was phenomenal for me. I enjoyed his role in Date Night, but this takes the cake. He does great in action, but his role in the comedy genre is catchy. I also think they did a good job of keeping Ferrell from going off the chains TOO many times - he did, as he always does, but it wasn’t as much as say Talladega Nights. When he’s kept in rations, he can’t be beat.

    This is a movie that I will love popping in when friends are over and not having to focus on every scene, but being able to laugh a lot.

    Also, the additional subplot of Ferrell’s previous life experience made for some interesting laughs, too.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Adam Mckays films are always good for the funny bone.

    after this review I’ll probally check it out in theatres.

    They did seem pretty annoying on the MTV movie awards. especially Mark wAHLBERG!

  5. Mike Mai says:

    there are lot of awkward moments and loooong jokes in this, could be hit or miss with people. i found it hilarious the whole way through.

    my fav quotes: “aim for the bushes.” and “i hope you like prison food…and PENIS!”

  6. Cheapshot says:

    I do believe this movie deserves to be ranked with Anchorman and Step Brothers which is to say somewhere circling the toilet bowl.

    Do you have to be a certain age to like a “Comedy” these days? Where is this movie ever funny? It tries way too hard to be something I can’t even make out.

    Even the audience I was in laughed… maybe only twice… I really couldn’t tell because they were almost inaudible. This blog usually has the reviews pretty close to right on, but I feel this review has set you back in credibility of opinion.

    2 out of 10

    • Rodney says:

      Credibility of opinion? Because it disagrees with yours? Thats what opinions are. You dont appreciate this particular flavour of comedy.

      You didn’t like Anchorman or Step Brothers, both of which I liked a lot.

      Its not an issue of credibility and its ignorance to say that my opinion doesn’t matter because it isnt yours.

      You are free to dislike the film all you want, but I wont ever say your credibility is set back just because I don’t agree.

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