Case 39 Trailer

Posted by Franciscoon 22. 08. 2010in News Chat

Case 39 is finally being released in the US. The film first started filming way back in 2006, and was ready to be released in 2008. That never happened; it’s been, as some say, buried in dusty hollywood shelves. This is same movie in which Renee Zellweger and Bradley Cooper met, and started their dating/relationship. Case 39 will finally be released on October 1st, 2010. Here’s the film’s synopsis and trailer.

Synopsis: Family services social worker Emily Jenkins (Renée Zellweger) thinks she has seen it all… until she meets 10-year old Lilith Sullivan (Jodelle Ferland) and the child’s cruel and dangerous parents. Her worst fears are confirmed when the parents try to harm Lily, their only daughter. Frightened for her life, Emily enlists the help of Detective Mike Barron (Ian McShane) and takes Lily in while she continues the search for the perfect foster family. Just as it seems as though Lily is on her way to a more loving home, under the guidance of Emily and psychiatrist (Bradley Cooper), dark forces surrounding this young girl come to light and, little do they know, their attempts to protect her will only bring on greater horror…

I wonder why this film was not released earlier. After watching the trailer, I gotta say that this doesn’t look bad. It seems pretty ok to me. I mean, there’s tons of movies that get released worldwide every year that are by far worse, in every possible sense. I’d watch this. Add to that, that it includes Zellweger who’s a great actress, and Bradley Cooper, who’s been one of the hottest actors in the past couple of years.

Does the studio think it’s really bad? Was there a legal problem in the way? Would you watch this?

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Francisco who has written 183 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “Case 39 Trailer”

  1. Shotty says:

    Looks fantastic

  2. scot says:

    It’s only getting realesed? It’s already on the tv movie channels here in Australia. How strange. I have seen it and it is quite good, quite a few jumpy moments. It’s worth seeing and the little girl is scary.

  3. cloud720 says:

    This is one of the worst movies(not trailers) that I have ever seen.

  4. arihmann says:

    i saw it in theaters in Colombia a few months ago… nothing outstanding, but no the worst either… just an average horror flick…

  5. jan says:

    it got released on dvd in the faroe islands some time ago. I just got to say dont get your hopes up.

  6. Jrod says:

    this movie looks awesome

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