Avatar 2 Coming In 2014?

Posted by Franciscoon 24. 08. 2010in News Chat

Avatar is being re-released in a few days, August 27th. It will include some new footage, as we’ve already read/heard. So as the studio tries to make one more money grab before probably releasing another DVD/Blu-Ray edition of it on Christmas, we the fans want to know what’s up with Cameron and the sequel/s. What’s up with Avatar 2, and possibly Avatar 3?

CinemaBlend reports:

According to the New York Post, the director is still in the “tons of notes” stage, which is a hard stage to get past when you know there are history text book amounts of notes to organize.

What’s going to take even longer is that it seems like with parts two and three they are going to take the Kill Bill or Harry Potter approach and film them back to back with a gap between releases. This is great for fans as they’re going to be getting a boat load of content starting in 2014, but this sounds like it’s going to tie up Cameron, which may take him off of his other projects like Battle Angel.

Despite the sequels being filmed together, part two will tie up nicely rather than leaving you hanging:

“I’m mapping out the story line right now, so there’s a proper arc that plays out over two films but buttons nicely at the end of Two, so you don’t get this horrible second-act/end-of-The Matrix feeling. You know, ‘I’ve just sat through a three-hour movie and f- -k-all happened at the end!’

Ok, at least we’re getting some more info on what’s going on with the sequel. We’ve all heard that this plays out as a trilogy in the end; no surprise here. But damn, 2014? That’s a long way to go. It’s definitely understandable if Cameron will in deed, film back-to-back part 2 and 3. I have plenty of faith that Cameron, if he decides on doing this, will deliver big time as always. And if he takes he’s usual long time between films, an goes anal on every little detail about the films, these films will be full of awesomeness. Who knows, maybe by the time 2014 comes around, they’ll be in 6D or something. I love how he referenced the Matrix sequels. As much as I liked them, he has a point there; and he doesn’t plan to make that error.

You looking forward to part 2 and 3? Should Cameron film them back-to-back? What do yo want to see in these sequels?

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Francisco who has written 183 posts on The Movie Blog

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5 Responses to “Avatar 2 Coming In 2014?”

  1. fullmetal_medji says:

    I hate it when the two sequels to movies are filmed back to back. They always turn out to be a mess (Matrix, POTC, BTTF).

  2. RaveMaster5 says:

    i am definitely excited to see a sequel and even a 3rd installment, my only concern is…where would he go w/ storyline?

    is it going to be like every other type of move like this?

    2nd one, the humans come back to get what they want, then a bigger threat to them both appears

    3rd one, they decide they have to team up and defeat the threat together…i really hope it doesnt come out like that

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