Thailand Confirmed For The Hangover 2

Posted by Franciscoon 21. 07. 2010in News Chat

The Hangover is the highest grossing “R” rated comedy movie in history. It grossed $467 million worldwide ($277 domestically). For some time now, we’ve all known that they are in deed making the sequel to this hit. Last time we heard information on the sequel, was that they we’re going to set up the guys in Thailand. Then it was said it was going to be Mexico. Today, we finally get news on where are the guys going to get crazy.

ComingSoon reports:

The Hangover sequel is headed to Thailand, a source has just confirmed. Production will move there this fall with a script that sees the characters from the 2009 hit comedy traveling to Asia.

Sounds good. As long as they didn’t go back to Las Vegas, I’m ok with any other place they chose. Mexico sounded good, but Thailand sounds a little bit more open for comedy bits. I mean, they can play with the exotic location, and with the whole different culture elements. I wonder what the story will be about? How or why are the guys going to end up in Thailand? I guess we’ll have to wait for more info later on.

What do you guys think? Thailand ok? What would you like the plot to be about?

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Francisco who has written 120 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Thailand Confirmed For The Hangover 2”

  1. Tony says:

    I think mexico sounded way better, but ill see it

  2. Jim says:

    As long as Alan is still funny, I think I’ll like this movie!

  3. kyle says:

    Alan goes to thailand get kidnapped and sold as a sex slave and his wolf pack has to find and rescue him!!

  4. jake 101 says:

    I didnt think they would have the balls to compete with the first one but ok.

    • Bjon86 says:

      having balls had nothing to do with it. These guys have large EYES and their eyes see nothing but GREEN.

  5. JAKECAT says:

    I am looking foward to The Hangover 2, I am very interested in how they will aproach thailand. I think that The Hangover deserves all the praise its getting and i myself think it is one of the funniest movies i have personally seen in a long time. And not only that it has sky rocketed Bradley Cooper= A-TEAM , Ed Helms, and of course Zach Galifinakis, i trust that Todd phillips will stay true to what The Hangover is, and that is just an awesome time. It will be great.

  6. chancepassenger says:

    honeymoon in thailand. alan goes along for the sex tour… hilarity ensues

  7. Hobbit1978 says:

    Who doesn’t see the Asian gangster making an appearance? Maybe this time they’ll need his help to find their buddy or maybe be the negotiator between them and another rival Asian mob.

    • Geno says:

      What Leslie Chow? Ken Jeong’s character was hilarious in the first one. I’m not sure if he would make an appearance or not but you never know.

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